Saturday, February 20, 2010

Teaching with Technology ~ I wasn't kidding

My Voki post yesterday wasn't meant to be sassy...I really do try to use technology as often as possible in my curriculum.  The hardest part perhaps, was accepting the fact that I cannot teach this generation how to use technology.  Many of them already know more than I do...I just need to make it available for them and let them help each other...

We don't take our classes to a computer lab...we bring the laptops to our classrooms...and these carts are always in demand.  I sign up in advance so I can utilize them 2 to 3 times each week.  We research career preparation, nutrition and wellness information, and child development and parenting practices. Students write reports, create booklets on publisher, and design power point presentations.

Remember, in August our Tech support installed an Epson projector in every classroom.  We recently enjoyed the fabulous Fashion History presentations that were created by my Students.  Until now, they have cut pictures to create posters for their presentations.  This was sooo much better.
We teachers use the computer for email, of course, but also to post grades for the students and parents to monitor online.  I maintain my teacher webpage with course descriptions, classroom expectations, project outlines and personal information.  Some areas need some serious updating.  There are just not enough hours in a day!  
As for Voki...did you notice she talks?  I really can use her to deliver messages on my school webpage or my wiki space.  And students can create their own personal voki to introduce themselves to the class. 
And now for my next instructional strategy...I'm considering replacing the notebook-and-pen journaling in my Personal Development class with student blogs...there are many details to consider...
....and I have yet to visit with another teacher who utilizes student blogs...


Firecracker Kid said...

Oh my goodness, the preparation you must have to go through to prepare for your classes. Sounds like major multi-tasking. It's a good thing you enjoy what you do. A blessing from above no doubt. Carol

Cathryn said...

I don't use student blogs, but I have used a topic discussion page before. I also use technology for my students to send me their work, to access a really expensive program so they don't have to buy it, and post my exams online. All my course notes and assignments are also online. I even hold classes and review sessions online.

But you are right--there aren't enough hours in the day to load up all the technological advances! I spend a lot of time online--where before I used to bring my student's work when I went to a doctor's appointment and grade papers.

On one hand, I'm glad we aren't tearing down whole forests for paper but on the other hand--I wish there was more time!

Oklahoma Granny said...

It's a whole new world!

National Love your Pet Day

Yesterday was Love your Pet Day. Isn’t that every day?! I love how they keep me company during my early morning routine. I love how they kee...