Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Whatcha Working On Wednesday?

Finally, we woke up to Sunshine.
A perfect opportunity to take pics of my giveaway items...
A vintage cookbook, pearl necklace and purse size journal.
Some note cards, sticky notes and gift tags.
A handpainted earthenware spoon rest...
Desert Rose.
All items ready and waiting to be shipped to their new home.
Scroll down and sign up below.

And what am I doing today?

Well...she has been here and gone...
(Does anyone need any hangers?!)

I washed all the linens and with the company of
I have everything pressed.

Does anyone else have a cat or dog that is just there for you,
no matter what you are working on?

I am inspired by Eileen of Star's Fault.  She recently shared pictures of her "Art Nest".  She has pieces of furniture stacked in her Studio.  What a wonderful idea.  I am going to try it.  Be sure to read the stories of her precious kitties, too.

The room is vacant...ready for immediate occupancy.

My Mom and Dad were married on this date in 1946.
Check out their sweet wedding photo.

I hope you are having a Wonderful Wednesday.
Take care,


pam said...

It's a good thing you had a kitty cat to help with all that hard work.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I have a certain boy boxer that follows my every step.
The room looks great...good luck with your craft set up!!!

Lori said...

that cat follows you around and keeps you company. Ruby follows me, sometimes she lays on my feet and keeps them warm.

jodi said...

The room does look good. Heinz is my indoor friend. Sport is the garden and bee keeper help. The only pet that the bees don't seem to bother.

Cathryn said...

Do I have a cat or dog that follows me around??? LOL

There's Buddy--who's always right there no matter if it's dishes, laundry or grading papers. There's Cuddles, Gabby, Lacey, and Topaz who like to get their share of Mommy Time--even if she's busy doing something. Not to mention Harley--who always seem to need neckin' when I'm knee deep in something else.

I think the room is great and ready to be used again!

Your giveaway items are precious and generous! I can add your giveaway to my blog if you like.

M said...

Ooooh! My cat just follows and "MEWS!" and wants to be petted...not much help at all!

Cool stacking and finished room it is time for me to get to work now that school has ended and a daughter is miving home to do her masters and credential! YIKES!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Looks like you have been working hard in your vacant bedroom and it's now ready for a guest. It looks wonderful! Loved seeing the picture of your Mom and Dad, very sweet!

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh boy you got a lot done in one day Natalie. Good for you:)
Very pretty items for your giveaway:)
Yes we have two of our five kitties that hang around wherever we are. Bugsy and Lily. Aww, Star's Fault was adorable. Our Loki was a red Main Coone and a special fella.
I always have the TV on when I'm working at home too. Just gotta!
Wow, what a handsome couple your mom and dad made.
Hugs, Carol

Oklahoma Granny said...

The pieces of stacked luggage are just perfect on chest of drawers. Raggedy Ann is just too cute.

Julie Marie said...

Hello Natalie... and thank you for visiting my blog and signing on as a follower. Your blog is beautiful! I so love the old~fashioned country look like I am seeing on yours... your daughters are beautiful and I also love Callie and Lucy... kitty kisses to them! I am signing on as a follower as well... xoxo Julie Marie

Kristin said...

What great photos and what beautiful cats!! Back from vacation and catching up - thank you for entering my giveaway and Happy Birthday to you and your 2 year old blog!!! What an accomplishment, Kristin xo

Jennifer Dixon said...

Hi Natalie! Love your blog! What a small world! I have relatives in Aberdeen and my dad was born there as well. It's so fun to meet creative people in my own general area! It's nice to have people that truly "get you" when your non creative friends don't. I'm going to add you to my blogs I follow as well!

Thanks for the kind comments! :)


Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

What awesome things you have for your giveaway. Sadly, I missed it because once again... I am behind on my blog reading.

I love the browns and pinks of that room. The walls are painted brown and pink too? How lovely! I want to invite myself to your house just so I can stay in that room. =]

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