Monday, July 5, 2010

It was a difficult day...

We are all in our own homes now.
Emily worked like a trooper...
...then, she left late in the afternoon to make the three hour drive home.
Jake was making dinner for her.

Mom had this marvelous storage room...deep shelves...floor to ceiling...
And it was filled with memorabilia...Wasn't sure how I'd get through it.  Everything I looked at reminded me of my childhood...growing up on the farm.

Emily spent most of Sunday going through boxes and sorting to the 'save pile' the 'donate pile' and the 'garbage pile'.  Mom took a few minutes to see what was remaining on the shelves.

I was happy to find a buyer for her air conditioner, and the washer and dryer.  Otherwise, we would have to rent a trailer to bring it all home.
So...I must say, that I am ever so grateful that mom recovered from her illness and surgery.
The wait time for the Assisted Living Facility was short...another good thing.

All her possessions are here...
It looks like home.
We brought her daily living items...
And those that have special meaning.
She can entertain guests during the evening coffee hour.

While we all know this is the best living arrangement for mom,
it was still one of the most difficult things I have ever done.

Take care,


pam said...

You have been a wonderful daughter! I only hope my daughters are so thoughtful when my time comes!! You mother's room looks all cozy and filled with memories and she will have new friends to make.

Farm Field Primitives said...

You are doing the right thing for your mom. She is safe and cared for and has a family that loves her so much. I'm sure going through things brought back so many memories. You are lucky to have that. Take care.

Tolentreasures said...

Natalie, How hard this must all be! You have documented it so well and have been an inspiration doing it. How I hope when the time comes that I can follow your example with such grace and dignity.

Take care,

Oklahoma Granny said...

I know how hard all of this must have been for you. Hopefully everything will fall into routine now. Yours is a marvelous family. God has truly blessed you.

Suzanne said...

Natalie, my heart goes out to you. Even though the stars aligned and all went well, it's still such a difficult thing. Know that I'm learning a lot through your good examples.

Kathy said...

Thank goodness she has you to look after her....and so lucky for you that she is still here to make more memories with you and your family. It isn't easy, but it will be wonderful. It's just a new chapter...

sweetiepie said...

Natalie, I know this was difficult but you should find confort in the fact that she is in a safe place with help nearby when she needs it. That is the best thing for her now. You did a wonderful job making her new place so homey. I am sure she will do just fine.

Take care.

Pat said...

So glad to see all is settling down. Maybe now you can take a breath and relax a bit! Your story has been inspirational to all of us of a certain age, who will be dealing aging parents.

Cathryn said...

Your mom looks happy and adjusted to her new situation. Many of our older folks refuse to see they need help or that they need change yet again in their lives. We are having some similar issues with a few of our elderly relatives that have no children or are refusing to understand that letting go opens the doors to new opportunities for them. You've been a wonderful inspiration to help me work through my own feelings of inadequacies and frustrations.

chellebelle said...

The hardest step for my grandma was the choice to go, after that she just love being around people her own age, to have a companion readily available, and to have her space when she wanted to be alone. She told me that she had felt 20 years younger, because she was having so much social time. This is so hard on everyone, but really hard on the children because you somehow think that you should be doing all that the staff is doing for your mom. This choice gives her more independence than she can have almost anywhere. It will work out, I'm sure.

Renna said...

Natalie, I've been catching up on your blog. I've not yet faced this with my own mom, but we did experience it with my husband's mom several years ago. Knowing it's the best doesn't make it easy, though, I know. Not only is it difficult to see our parents having to lose their independence, but it gives us a glimpse into our own future, a reminder that the clock keeps on ticking. Your mom's so fortunate to have a loving daughter and granddaughters to help her with this transition, and you're blessed to have such a supportive family, as well.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I imagine this was difficult for all of you Natalie.
It does look homey there...and Mom is smiling. I hope she really enjoys her new place and that she will have lots of new friends too.
Take care, Suz

jodi said...

I'm sorry that you had to go through so much but I'm happy that your mom is safe and secure as possible. She looks serene which is also good. My grandmother took forever to reach that point.

my mother-in-law is finally getting help with my father-in-law this week. Has a sitter coming over for 2 days for 5 hours a day to watch him so that she can go out. Baby steps.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely family you have, and what a good job you're all doing of taking care of one another. Your mother will be well looked after and, God bess, you will share many more wonderful times with her.

Please know you are in our thoughts, and that you have the support of so many people who care about you...


Sugar Mountain Mercantile said...

The transition from being the one whom Mom cared for to the one who is doing the care-giving is a difficult one at best, but you are doing a wonderful job in making your Mom feel at home in her new surroundings. As others have commented, she is now in a safe environment, which is paramount in her move there. Maybe you and she will be able to sleep a little better knowing she is well cared for.
Thinking of you,

Chatty Crone said...

I have been at the same place - it's something that hurts you in the gut. Take care. (HUGS) sandie

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