Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday Mania ~ Back to Reality

While I would love to just sit and bask in the glow of our Christmas tree lights,
I realize it is now Monday...and we have a much needed break from school...
and I have some much needed time at home.

So much has been neglected around the house.
June & July = moving mom to an assisted living facility
August & September = back to school/level four school improvement
October & November = preparations for Winterfest
November & December = preparations for the Holidays

I am so happy to have these few days at home.
I hope you all are enjoying some time to rest, relax and tackle the things on your 'To Do' list.

Take care,


Firecracker Kid said...

With to do list in hand:) Natalie needs a maid? You can do it hon:)

Pat said...

I do know the feeling...I think my list would fill at least 3 pages. Guess you need to take one item at a time and squeal with glee every time you cross something off your list!

Susan said...

Hope you enjoyed your time off...Happy New year Susan

Unknown said...

Try and enjoy some of the time you have off, but I know the list is calling your name!

M said...

Like you I am immensely enjoying the time off work! Today I actually slept in and then didn't get out of bed but instead starting reading a book! Wow...felt like days before kids! I have a "TO DO" list too....but first I have to reach my goal of riding 1,000 miles on my bike this year...I rode 45.72 miles today...a fun ride with my husband...then I will work on the list :)

I haven't driven my car to work yet this school year! That's another goal.

Enoy the remaining days off!

Busy Bee Suz said...

The darn to do list never leaves us does it?
I hope you enjoy your precious time at home.

Willoughby said...

If I look around the room I'm sitting in, I can see at least a half dozen little things I need to do. I always have a hard time getting things done when the kids have a break from school.

Anonymous said...

ALWAYS something to I know how mom felt way back when I would say I have nothing to do and her reply was I could find you something.....

Romeo said...

A "to-do" list?! "She" has several going right now. Or "she" did. I ate them. Yep. And when I was full, I chased the others in under the sofa. Yep. Sure did. How's that for love?



Lori said...

Natalie--you don't know HOW to relax! I vote for maid service. Happy New Year--enjoy it until you have to go back to school.

Tolentreasures said...

I have one huge big "to do" list also! Seems like it is the time of year to revamp and reorganize. Enjoy your week!


Together We Save said...

Take a break and enjoy your time!!

pam said...

I know. I have spent so much time this break doing all the stuff on my to-do list. I'm trying to remember to also enjoy it! You're right, it went way too fast.

Debbie Kay said...

Just found your blog. Love the warmth in your posts

Debbie Kay

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