Sunday, May 22, 2011

Do What You Love...

“Do what you love and love what you do.”
~Chris Walker~

It is no secret...
Teachers do not teach for the money.
Teachers teach because they love what they do.
And every once in a while,
a student shows up with a sweet surprise.
My friend who teachers right next door to my classroom received this fresh flower arrangement from one of her senior girls this week.
She shared the handwritten note with me...
And then we both had to dry our eyes.

Elementary students bring gifts to their teachers all the time.
High school students...not so much...
So when a note, or small token of appreciation is received, we know it is from their heart.
I have saved the letters and notes I have received from my students.
This one was from a special young woman who graduated in 2009.
I bring out the envelope and re-read the notes every once in a while.

This is now a time when high school and college graduates all over the countryside are making decisions about jobs and careers. 
(My two sweethearts, included.)

Think about how you want to spend your day...
Every day...All day...

Find something that you are passionate about...
Be excited to get out of bed in the morning...

Listen to you head...and follow your heart...

"Find something you love to do, and you'll never work a day in your life"
~Harvey MacKay~

Take care,

for everyone's best post of the week.


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

How sweet to receive notes like that one. I am sure they are a great source of encouragement to you. Have a wonderful day!

Oklahoma Granny said...

Notes like that are priceless.

dee begg said...

Nat, sweet for your coworker to receive flowers. What a lovely note your former student gave to you too. Glad that you and your coworker made such a difference in your students lives. Have a lovely Sunday.


PatC - All is Bright said...

I loved reading this part of your blog. Teachers are the best! I've never taught, but my daughter and two nieces are teachers and I know what they go through. Why do our society pay big for sports or entertainment? What about our teachers? There are so many out there that really make a difference in our children's life. Thank you for being a teacher!

M said...

I have saved the most special of the best I just received from a student who I taught in 1887 and 1989 way back when I taught 2nd and 3rd grade...and she said some very nice things. I don't get many gifts where I teach...but I do get a lot of student created gifts and letters written with phonetic spelling that I treasure...but I did make sure my own children brought gifts to all of their teachers through high school. The favorites are personalized dish towels or work out towels. My favorite was for the chem teacher whose was embroidered, "Mr. X is worth his weight in gold" and it said the periodic table element symbol for gold....and the math teacher's said, "Have a piece of Mr. X's pi" with as many numbers of pi that would fit on the towel along with pie.

Happy End of the Year!!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

How sweet!
It's nice when you know you make a difference in someones life.
Thanks for being there
Prim Blessings

Busy Bee Suz said...

This is such a sweet post Natalie.
I am sure it is just so wonderful to be acknowledged for the difference you make every single day for someone else.

Willoughby said...

What a sweet note! I can see why you kept it!

RURAL said...

Those notes are the souvenirs of good times, and the bridges over the bad times.

How wonderful that your students took the time to let you know how you have helped them out.

I have a few teachers in my past, that indelibly marked my very being. Inspired, and guided me, to be the woman I am today, and I am thankful for that. If only all teachers knew how much they can influence students...

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

Amanda @ Serenity Now said...

Oh, what a sweet post!!! My mom teaches 2nd grade and comes home with a car full of gifts at the end of the year. I know middle and high schoolers have a lot more teachers in one day, but I think it is so nice to take the time to recognize them. Your students are blessed to have you. :)

Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party! Hope you'll visit Serenity Now again soon. :)

The Fall Creek Chicken Coop said...

It is so nice to feel appreciated! But, it also goes to show, in spite of what you hear about "today's kids" that there are some fantastic kids out there!!

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