Friday, May 20, 2011

TGIF and That's a Wrap, Folks

Our students were dismissed at noon today.
It's important to stay on task until the end.
We have been busy completing final projects and
taking end of course exams.
And now...the task of taking things down and putting things away.
I think both students and teachers are in need of some time away to "recharge our batteries" for another year.

Happy Summer, Everyone!

Take care,


M said...

Oh I am jealous!
14 more days here...

Firecracker Kid said...

Look out Summer, here you come! I sure hope you get your batteries recharged hon. I also hope these Summer months don't fly by too quik for ya.

pam said...

We still have three more days of school, but no more 8th graders, they are gone on to bigger things! I would be more excited if I hadn't found out today that I may have to go do CDC instead of inclusion. I'm not a diaper, feeding tube type teacher, so I am not too thrilled with this.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

I am so happy for you Natalie! Enjoy your summer, I look forward to seeing you around the farmhouse more often :)

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Congrats Natalie - thanks for all you do as a teacher! ~*~Lisa

Unknown said...

Congrats, Natalie! I hope you get to have a wonderful and restorative summer vacation!

Willoughby said...

I'll bet you're happy! Enjoy your time off!

Shell said...

Wowza Natalie,
You guys finish early! Enjoy your Freedom! Are you doing the "Happy Dance" yet?

Whatcha up to all Summer?

Hugs, Love and a "School's out for Summer" Bus!

Tolentreasures said...

I am so jealous! Recharging should be mandatory in any job! Have a great summer!


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