Tuesday, May 24, 2011

What Does a Teacher Do on Her First Day of Vacation?

Well, her body clock is used to waking up early,
so she arises to make a delicious cup of coffee.

Because it it officially summer
She lights the summer scent...
Pineapple Mango.

Cleaning house is first on the agenda...
...Starting in the foyer.

The Living Room is next...
...the edges haven't been vacuumed since last August.

...Had to empty the cannister half way through, for all the cat hair!
(Please, don't be grossed out!)

Bedding washed...Comforter outside to dry...
Umm...does it look like a good day to dry outside?
It might be out there for a couple of days!
And the closet...these are all winter clothes!!
Must make the change to summer...

Her supervisor says we are tired...
...save some big jobs for tomorrow!

Take care,


Primitive Echoes said...

Well if you want on your second day you can come and clean my house :O)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you got a jump start on spring cleaning. I have been off all week from work and have done some cleaning. Like they say "A WOMAN'S WORK IS NEVER DONE" it's because it is always there to do. Hope you finish in time to get some crafting in. Do something for yourself.
Enjoy you day
Country at heart

Busy Bee Suz said...

I think you made a huge dent.
Your supervisor has had much time off...she needs to give you some too.

Suzanne said...

I'm impressed. When I first read the title of your post I was thinking "get a good book, put your feet up and read the day away." Your day was much more productive! ;o)

jdavissquared said...

Your supervisor always cracks me up! That's a pretty productive day.

Also, wanted to say thank you for pointing out that my settings weren't set up for email responses...I had no idea! I've changed it now, and have been amazed at how many responses I've received! Who knew!?

Enjoy your summer, and make sure you relax a little!

Firecracker Kid said...

LOL... kitty looks like "what the heck are you doing?" Good start! We've been doing a little at a time here too. Gotta be done:)

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Such a busy gal! It looks like you accomplished alot on your first day.
Isn't it called summer Vacation?
You're suppose to enjoy your time off!
Prim Blessings

M said...

ALl that in one day? I'd rather be teaching!!

Happy Summer vacation!!
Still waiting to bring out my summer clothes....so much for gloabl warming!

jodi said...

I've started cleaning also. :-). Yesterday was my last day of cleanup in the classroom and now I'm off for 2 weeks then back for 4 days of summer camp. But that is planned for so the next two weeks are pretty much free!

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