Thursday, May 26, 2011

What Happened to Wednesday? And A Recipe for a Delicious Summer Salad

Day Two of a Teacher's Summer Vacation...
After having coffee with a friend,
I made a stop over here...I still have some things to put away and I had to pick up a box of my personal belongings.
Pretty quiet at this end of the hall...
But lots of activity in the office,
as well as, basketball camp,
marching band camp,
and summer school.
I went to our hometown marketplace...
Has anyone else noticed how expensive groceries are?

I packed my winter clothes for storage.
That's one of the nice things about having four distinct seasons.
About the time you are getting tired of your clothes, it's time to pack them up and bring out the next season's wardrobe!
Callie and I washed the floor.
Swiffer Wet is my new friend.
I couldn't nap, even if I wanted to...
The city crew is making a bunch of noise on our street.
It seems they are replacing all the curb and gutters.
Since Emily was coming home for a few days,
I made our favorite salad...
For a printer friendly copy of the recipe,
It's not fair that something that tastes so good..
is so bad for you.
Do you bake your bacon?
Most of the grease drips down below...
It turns out perfectly crisp every time...
(Just pat the top with a paper towel)
Yummo... need to make this salad.
It goes with whatever you are grilling for dinner...
chicken, pork, or beef.

We serve it every holiday and lots of days in between!

Take care,

Please visit Cindy at
for more Show and Tell Friday.


jdavissquared said...

oh, looks yummy!
I'm really bad at remembering how much things cost, but my husband remembers, and he's been saying that prices are going up.

M said...

Mmmmmm.... to the salad!

Yay to the empty halls!

Yippeee! to SUMMER!

(I don't own enough clothes to put away...I just wear long sleeves under my short sleeves...but we have just had c.o.l.d. for so long....if it's like last summer I may keep the long sleeves on through next spring!)

Donna said...

Your salad looks delicious! I am printing a copy and definitely making it. Yum!

Enjoy your weekend!

Willoughby said...

I'm always happy when school lets out for summer, but there is still something sort of sad about the sight of empty hallways and classrooms.

Your salad looks delicious! I make bacon in the oven, too, unless the weather is nice. Then my husband cooks it on the grill. I don't like to make it in a pan on the cooktop because it makes such a mess.

Lucky for me, I haven't packed away any of my cold weather clothes. I had planned to wear a light-weight blouse to my son's graduation, but it was so chilly and rainy that I ended up wearing a sweater!

Miss Hillbilly said...

I have never thought of baking bacon. I am going to try it!

Busy Bee Suz said...

YOU have been a busy bee!!!!!
I think that salad looks about as delicious as anything I have ever eaten!!!!

Kim said...

The salad looks wonderful! I'm going to have to make that this weekend! I hope you have a great weekend!

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