Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Getting back into the Groove again...

Last week at this time
I was making my way across Minnesota,
with Garmin's guidance.
She was better on the trip home...
Only confused once, when road construction took us on a detour.
(Did you know those windmill blades are manufactured in Aberdeen?)

Upon returning home, my main mission was to finish cleaning in the garage...
until the heat index reached 118 degrees.
It wasn't even safe to be outside!

(Note to daughters)
Can someone claim these books?
Are they for storage?

this week will be better for working outside...
and trust me, I will take photos when I can get my vehicle inside!

Miss Sapphire and I have also been working on a project together...
I love her more every day!

And, is it really time for pumpkins and scarecrows??
I can't believe it's August already.
Where did the summer go?

Take care,

If you are here on the Where Bloggers Create tour
and would like to see my studio and enter my giveaway,


M said...

Sell those text books on half.com!

Happy crafting....(and garage cleaning!)

Pat said...

The summer really has gone by quickly, hasn't it. My 30 year old daughter recently said how time seems to be going faster the older she gets...I told her wait until she's my age. At least your girls left books...the younger daughter left a coffin here she built her final year in college (art student). I think it may appear on her door step one day soon!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Where did the summer go...??
The Art Society came yesterday and took down the "summer" paintings and put up "Fall"....yikes...!!


Jessica said...

With those temps how can anyone think of decorating for autumn? lol. ;)

Around here "summer" isn't usually over till end of September or October. So I wait to decorate when it feels more like fall.

I can't wait for autumn to get here! It's my favorite season and then we get to do my favorite family event: picking pumpkins at the farm.

Blessings, Jessica

Busy Bee Suz said...

The wind mills are gorgeous...I wish we could use those here for efficiency. BUT NO> not enough wind.
We also have some misc. school books here....hmmmmm.
Take care,

National Love your Pet Day

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