Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nellie's School Report ~ Week One

Nellie and I have been in school for a full week now.
Here she is with her student ID...
she is officially an American High School Student!

Nellie was a sweetheart to help me prepare my classroom.
Here is my 'ration' of supplies for the year!

We arranged my desks...I like two semi-circles.
It encourages student discussion and it is easier to supervise the students when they are working independently.
The center area is called "The Fish Bowl".
Guest speakers and students are welcomed to the "Fish Bowl" to present.

We also hung my posters, and prepared my textbooks for check-out.

The first day of school was beautiful.

The second day of school produced homework!

I hope you and your families are all having 
a great start to your school year.

Take care,


dee begg said...


You weren't an empty nester for too long, now were you? I guess keeping young ones around the house keeps us young at heart and active. And it's always nice to have an extra set of hands to help.


M said...

Looks like you have a great start to the new school year. What year are you on? I am starting #28!

The kids start tomorrow...first grade...oh my! A "first" for me.

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