Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Anniversary to my Vintage/Notions Shop

This weekend marks the 5th Anniversary for my 
second Etsy Shop...Natalie's Notions.

Most of you know about my Tins and Treasures Shop
that features our handmade items...
but I needed a place to list my extra sewing supplies.

Indeed, I have enough sewing and crafting supplies...
more than I can use up in my lifetime.
I wanted to share with all of you, so I opened this shop on March 28, 2009.
Can you believe it has been five years?!

In addition to Ribbon, Lace and Trims,
I have kits, patterns, fabric and notions.

I also find that this shop is the perfect place to list my mom's things,
like her vintage farmhouse kitchen utensils...

her vintage jewelry...

and her precious collecion of vintage scarves.

If you would like to take a peek, here are the links:
Ribbon, Lace & Trim = click here
Sewing & Crafting Notions = click here
Vintage Patterns = click here
Vintage Kitchen = click here 
Vintage Jewelry = click here
Vintage Scarves = click here

Some of the sections are nearly sold out, but trust me...
I have plenty of things to list this spring.
So stop back often!!

And, I just might have time on my hands tomorrow.
If the forecast comes true,
we will all be house-bound tomorrow!

Stay safe and warm.
Take care,


M said...

Congrats on 5 years!! I can't believe I have been following for longer than that!

I spent a rainy Saturday yesterday going through my sewing room and deciding what to give MUCH stuff...I could never use it all even if I retired today!

Stay warm!!

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Love your notions! I love rainy days in the sewing room. Hope the sun pops through for you today? ~*~Lisa

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh my goodness the time sure flys. I'm glad to hear your shop is doing well.
We're windy and rainy over here. Makes for little muddy paws :)

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