Sunday, April 6, 2014

Where the Week Went...

...let's see, where did the week go?

Last Sunday was such a nice spring day.
We went out to lunch with Grandma after church.

As a young girl, it was always exciting to spot the first robin,
a sure sign that spring was here.
And there... in our neighbor's yard...three robins.
In fact, I saw seven robins on our way to church!

After lunch, we took a little tour of Grandma's yard and garden spot.
(Notice that all of the snow was gone.)

But our sure sign of spring was a false alarm...

I'm not sure who was more excited 
about our early release from school,
the students or the teachers!

The wind came first...blowing our chairs right off the patio.
Then the snow...and it just went downhill from there.

Here's the following morning, a late start...
I love the sunshine on the waves of snow!
When the school has a late start, 
teachers are to report at the normal contract time.
Think about all of that uninterruped time to correct papers and plan lessons!

A Celebration in the Old Farmhouse Gathering team on Etsy 
prompted me to finish these cotton crochet scarves in spring colors.

It was Quick Breads week in my Foods class.
Waffles, Muffins, Biscuits, Banana Bread and Pie.
Biscuits and Gravy...yum yum!

And that, my dears,
is where the week went!

Take care,

click here to visit my 
Tins and Treasures Etsy Shop.

click here for a printer-friendly
Sausage Gravy recipe.


M said...

Looks like winter is on its way out! And it looks as though you had a lovely week despite the wind and snow....we had rain all week yesterday the sun and wind were out and today it was around 75 degrees.
Happy Sunday!

Kathleen J. said...

I am in love with your scarves. The pattern and colors both look great.

Firecracker Kid said...

The weeks fly by it seems. Our yard looks like that too. We've seen oodles of Robin red breasts, but the snow still makes its' appearance.
I love your hair Natalie. Callie is looking lovely as well :) I trust she has been supervising you well in the home. Maybe taste testing your yummy cooking.
Love the look of your crocheted scarves. Time to work another week away :)


My Colonial Home said...

What a week it was...filled with 'love' and more 'winter' lol
Oh I pray we don't get any more here - but our temps have done just what yours have done. Spring like to cold, cold temps overnight.
Your scarves are just beautiful.
Such a pretty grandma you have my friend!

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