Wednesday, May 7, 2014

It's Teacher Appreciation Week ... and How Teachers Get Paid...

The first week in May is Teacher Appreciation Week.

This is not news...teachers all across the country are underpaid.
All teachers have a Bachelor's Degree.
Most teachers have a Master's Degree.

Their salaries are not equal with other professionals 
that have the same level of education.

But that is not what I wanted this post to be about.

Teachers teach because they love your children.

They care about them, and want them to grow up 
to be successful young adults.

These young people are the future of our country.

Sometimes my students surprise me with photos.
I take photos of finished products during labs,
and I leave my phone/camera by my computer.
At the end of the day, these selfies make me smile!

And then, once in a while,
someone sneaks in a snapchat.
This always makes my day!

While teaching requires hours of preparation,
 and tremendous energy... 

The rewards are priceless.

Take care,


Barb said...

Fabulous! Thanks to you Natalie for teaching. I so admire teachers.
Thank you!

M said...

You're awesome!
Thank you for being a teacher :)

Firecracker Kid said...

Ahh, happy teacher appreciation week! I can tell by the photos that your students appreciate you to the max. They'd better or you could embarrass some of them when they get older with these pics, LOL. You're the best!

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