Saturday, June 14, 2014

Happy Flag Day...Happy Birthday to my Blog...Repost of my First Blog Post...and a Blog GiveAway

Happy Birthday to my blog.  She is 8 years old.
If she went to school, she would be learning to write in cursive and the mulitiplication tables.

In 2008, I was trying to figure out what to do with this empty nest.

We had been selling our creations locally for years, and I thought,
 maybe it was time to venture into the on-line world.
I "creeped" around in a lot of shops and blogs.
All the sellers said, "You need a blog first, to show that your are 'human',
and then open your on-line shop.

So, blog came first.
This was one of the first photos that Father's Day Weekend.

And this was my first blog post in 2008...
"Good Morning! Today would be my grandmother's birthday. She would have been 115 years old if she was here. Her mind was sharp until the day she died. I would love to spend a day visiting with her about her growing up, teaching in a one room school house and raising a family of 9 children. I wonder how the women of her generation had time to take care of their children, the house, the garden; to prepare all of their meals at home, from scratch; to bake delicious cookies and pies; and still have the energy to crochet bedspreads and create beautiful quilts. These women were amazing!

So, it is fitting that I venture into this world of technology with my own blogspot, on my grandma's birthday. This concept would have been so far beyond her wildest imagination. I have tried to expain what the internet is to my mom,who's 87, and have just touched the surface.

I am contemplating the idea of selling my crafts online. I have looked at hundreds of craft websites, craft directories, craft malls, craft shows, craft communites, etc. over the last week. I am impressed! If anyone has some advice or words of encouragement, I'd be happy to hear from you."

Happy Flag Day.
Happy Birthday to my Blog.

And like usual,
if you comment on this post,
my blog's birthday...
You will be in a drawing,
to be chosen on my birthday on June 23rd.

Take care,


Barb said...

Happy Blog Birthday Natalie! Wow, 8 years, how time flies! Happy Flag day too! Look how far you have come!
To many more blog birthdays!

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Happy, Happy Blog Birthday...and also Happy Birthday to YOU!

Farmhouse prims said...

Happy Blog Birthday! June 23rd, is also my twin sisters Birthdays, such a special day! Wishing you a Happy Birthday too! hugs, Lecia

Brynwood Needleworks said...

Congratulations, Natalie! Eight years blogging is HUGE! I'm so glad that you and I have become friends through our shared passions.

Reading the comment from Farmhouse Prims, it appears you're celebrating a personal Birthday, too? Wishing you a wonderful day, my friend.
Blessings always,

The Moonlit Stitch said...

Happy Blog Birthday Natalie! ~*~Lisa

Unknown said...

Happy blog birthday!

Deb said...

Happy blogaversary Natalie! 8 years, that is very impressive, I don't think I new what a blog was 8 years ago LOL! Wishing you many more years of blogging fun, Deb

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