Friday, June 6, 2014

Happy Anniversary to my Hubby & Looking Back on our Pre-Children Years

Today we celebrate our Wedding Anniversary...33 years.
We've been "in a relationship" for 35 years,
(if there had been such a thing as Facebook, back then)

We both wore 80's big glasses
and my hairstyle was the fashionable curly perm...yikes!

This week Katie Couric joins 25 million other parents preparing to be empty nesters.
Guests on her show discussed how to make the transition easier.
It's hard to explain the conflicting emotions of being extremely happy and extremely sad...all at the same time.

One of the obvious tips is to
"Rediscover the love of your life".

My best advice is to maintain that relationship all along, so that when the last child leaves for college, you don't find yourself living with a stranger!

I had forgotten what we did in those early years before our first daughter was born.
So I had to get out the old photo albums.
Of course, you all know that my hubby has always been a 'rock star',
I have always been a groupie, taking pictures of the band.

We took weekend trips to visit my favorite Aunt Vivian and Uncle Jim.
My hubby loved to go fishing with Uncle Jim. He had a big Bass Tracker...and we all know that Minnesota is the "Land of 10,000 Lakes".

We also visited the farm and my Grandpa Gustav.

We played cards and games with the family.
It looks like Yahtzee this Christmas.

We had family cook-outs at the lake...
enjoying the warm summer evenings outside.

While so much has changed...
there are so many things that stay the same.

Happy Anniversary, Honey,
Here's to 35 more years "in a relationship" with you!

Take care,


pam said...

Such a sweet post! Still looking good! I found a photo of me in those big glasses yesterday - it's hard to believe we thought they were stylish!

Deb said...

Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful post, congratulations on 33 years of wedded bliss and here's to at least 33 more! Deb

Debbie Kay said...

This post is so sweet, what a milestone anniversary and gosh what great advice. Your blog is such a joy to read.



M said...

What a great timeline you put together! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! We just hit 32. None of our own kids at home but we do have an adopted one staying with us who coaches volleyball at Stanford.

Kit said...

Oh you guys are so cute! Your pics remind me of mine, perms and big glasses...LOL Congrats! Kit

Pat said...

Congratulations on your 33rd anniversary...Love the photo history. With so many couples not staying married, I love to see couples who have been together for so long. We celebrated 39 years in May.

Willoughby said...

Happy Anniversary! Your old pictures are great!

We celebrated our 25th this year. Both of our kids are still at home, I can't imagine a time when I won't see them both on a daily basis. Makes me a little sad thinking about it.

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