Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Belated Birthday Post for my Hubby

My Hubby's Birthday was Saturday.
We celebrated with a little road trip.

He wanted to go to another Twins game...
and I said OK!

So...a road trip it was.

It was the finale to a great summer...
Hubby is the best chauffeur when we go to special events.

You already know he is a "rock star".

This might be his best kept secret...
He is a "cat whisperer".

And, he's always been my Master Griller.

He enjoys a good round of golf.

He's the Green Thumb of our family.

I hope you had a great celebration.
Happy Birthday, Honey.

Take care,

p.s. a Birthday report will follow

1 comment:

Willoughby said...

Happy Birthday to your hubby!!!

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