Thursday, August 14, 2014

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday? What's for Supper?? and Cute little Kitty Update...

When the calendar page turns to August,
this teacher balances spending time with family 
enjoying the "dog days of summer"...

And turning her focus to this...
Starting August 1st, I stopped by here 2 to 3 times each week.

It tends to be a lonesome place in the summer...
downright eerie, in fact.
I often take my curriculum planning materials home.

google image
So that I can work while in the company of 
(I will miss my summer friends today!)

However, somethings just can't be done at home...
like transforming this sterile environment,
into one that is warm and welcoming.
(Perhaps this will be the feature on this week's Room by Room... 
Stay tuned!)

Back to some summer fun...
Our community is blessed to have this fabulous park and Storybook Land.

It is centered around the historic Wylie Park Pavillion.
Hubby knows how much I love to ride the surrey around the bike trails...

And this week, I was treated to not just one, 
but two trips around the zoo and lake.

Thanks to my hubby and my teacher friends.

I am also happy to report that this adorable,
soft and fuzzy, purring machine
has found her forever home...Yay!

And What's for Supper?
Pork Carnitas.
A great recipe discovery, as you can cook the meat in your slow cooker 
while you are at work (or play).
And then just assemble when the family is all together at the end of the day.

Have a thoughtful Thursday.
Take care,


The Moonlit Stitch said...

I hope you enjoy your last dog days of summer Natalie. Dinner looks yummy! And the kitty looks like a sweetie - so glad she is home! ~*~Lisa

M said...

Fun post! Love the new kitty! Orange cats are my favorite.

This is the first year in my 29 that I won't be spending summer in my classroom. I am just too exhausted with all the appointments and therapy. And I can't leave my husband alone yet. It will be an interesting school year.

Kit said...

Looks like you had a fun time! Ooooo what a lovely kitty. I am getting excited for my start back on the 27th. Have a great start! Kit

Remembering Daddy

My father was a World War II Veteran, a loving family man, and a hard working farmer. Here he is with his mentor, our neighbor, my Godfather...