Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Mania~Stitching & Stewing on Sunday~Where the Weekend Went...

When the alarm went off at 4:30 this morning...
well, it was tough to get out of bed!

It was a full weekend...
I finally finished this batch of owls.

...and I made some huge strides in finishing these turkeys.

My cousin, Drew, came for a visit.
He wanted to see when I work, 
so we toured the school and athletic facilities.

We shared good conversation,
we watched college football,
and enjoyed some great meals.
I tried a new recipe for Stuffed French Toast.

Thank you for coming to visiting me.
It is so important to stay in touch with family.

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

What a great weekend! I love your owl pillows! Kit

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