Thursday, October 2, 2014

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday and Things in my House Thursday... It's the Little Things that Make Me Smile

On Wednesdays, we clean for the "cleaning lady"
It's an old joke...but it's actually 
one of the best things that happened to our family.

It all started over 20 years ago.
Amy's preschool teacher loved to clean houses.
She offered to help us out.
Back then, it was $7 per hour...and worth every penny.

Instead of coming home from work to household chores,
I could spend time with our children.

When the girls were a little older, 
they were very active on the Swim Team.
This took us on a trip out of town from Friday after school 
until Sunday afternoon...nearly every weekend.
I so appreciated the extra help.

And then, our house cleaner had to quit to take care of her grandchildren.
Emily was in high school, and we could manage by ourselves.

Until last fall, when I broke both of my wrists.
I longed for someone that could help us out.

And then, along came The Robin's Nest.
One of my friends stared a business for cleaning and organizing 
homes and offices.

It's the best ever...
On Wednesday evening, I clean up the clutter on the counter.
I clean up the pile of clothes in front of my closet.

And when I come home after work on Thurday,
the whole house is clean...all at the same time!
It is better than taking Zoloft!!

The house smells clean and fresh...
and sometimes she even leaves homemade sweet treats!

October is here...Summer is long gone...
It was time to put away the pastel decorations and bring out the autumn.

I hope you are all enjoying the rich, warm colors of fall.

Take care,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love all your Fall decorations and the help cleaning sounds wonderful!!

Welcome March ~What‘cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~the Little Things that Make me Smile

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