Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloweens Past...A Trip Down Memory Lane

Such sweet memories...
Every year our girls carved a Jack O' Lantern with their dad.
I was usually busy roasting the pumpkin seeds.

In 1989, Amy wore a winter parka under her princess costume.
Pretty sure, children will need lots of layers this year too!

I was in charge of sewing the costumes,
Hubby was always the make-up artist.

The girls had great friends, right in our neighborhood...

This was the year that Amy was a ballgirl for the our
local professional baseball team.

And, it was Emily's 
turn to be a princess.

Then...all of a sudden...
our girls were old enough to go trick or treating
with their school friends.

By now, Amy is in High School...
so no Trick or Treating for her.
She was probably getting ready for the Halloween Dance
at a friend's house.

One of the best parts of the evening was coming home
and checking out what was in your candy bag!

Here's wishing you a Happy Halloween...from our house to yours.

Take care...Stay Safe,

1 comment:

Kit said...

Oh your photos were wonderful! So many great Halloweens for your girls. My girls love this holiday too and still love to dress up. Have a great week! Kit

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