Saturday, October 25, 2014

TGIF~Knitting Club Report~and that just felt like TWO weeks in ONE

I look forward to Fridays for more than one reason...
not only is it the end of the work week, but it's Knitting Club Day.

So on Thursday evening, while hubby is at Praise Band rehearsal,
I prepare soup for the slowcooker.
This week was Southwest Chicken Chowder.
It was super easy and super delicious, and I will post the recipe soon.

We have less than an hour together.
We enjoy a quick bowl of soup and work on our projects.
Already, we have a box full of scarves ready to donate.

Here's what I have been working on.

So, I mentioned that first term ended on Tuesday.
(With reviews, end of course exams and final projects,
that felt like a full week already)

And new classes started Wednesday.
I think I learned 98 new names this week. 
By fourth block all of the Freshman girls started to look the same!

I hope you all had a productive work week...

Take care,

1 comment:

Kit said...

You sound like me. I had a bunch of kids to learn too. I like that they create scarfs to donate. :) Kit

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