Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday Mania ~~Back to School & Sunday's Report at Winterfest

All of you artists and crafters will get this...
I always have several projects started, 
and then before a show, there is the big finish.

I had a batch of these wine bottle bags started...
they just needed their drawstring at the top 
and their buttons on their belt.

Since Winterfest doors don't open till 11:00,
I had plenty of time to get them finished early Sunday morning.

Here he is, on display, with hubby's wine bottle jewely.
I still have two left, so let me know if you would like to purchase one.
They would ship easily too!

And speaking of hubby's wine bottle necklaces...
we sold many, but still have several left in our inventory.
These are a great gift idea to have on hand during the holidays.
They are lightweight and ship easily also,
so let me know if you are interested in the prices.

It was a short night.
We unloaded our display stands at the storage shed.
Our inventory is stored here at the house.
We had a bite to eat and before we knew it...
It was Monday morning.

It was buzzing at the supermarket when I got there at 7 a.m.
Aisles were filled with boxes to stock the shelves for Thanksgiving,
and the assortment of turkeys was quite impressive!

I was there for pizza ingredients...
the last of our yeast bread labs.

Cooking is a science and an art!
Looking good, Ladies!!

Take care,

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