Friday, June 19, 2015

Friday...Already?! ~Planning a Wedding ~~Taking Care of the Details ~~~A Special Sweet Treat

During the school year, my end of the week post is "Finally Friday".
During the summer, it's a different story...the weeks seem to fly by!

I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that time is going so fast...
and I still have so many chores on my list.
From August through May, I spend my nights and weekends on schoolwork,
and save all of those big cleaning and organizing jobs for the summer.
And, my list still seems endless.

Not all chores are necessarily bad.  
My wedding mission early this week was to try to locate a local chocolatier. 

How does someone choose just one?

The truffles were beautiful!

Out in the woodshop, hubby is building flower boxes.
He has experimented with a couple kinds of wood.  
We still have a few precious pieces from that old farmstead barn...
I definitely want a couple of these for my table.

Thanks to our neighbor, Lori, we now own another larger mirror...
this will be much appreciated when the bride and bridesmaids are getting ready.

I have a stash of frames in a storage box.  
With a little spray paint, these could be wedding ready.

Of course, I still had chocolates on my brain 
when Lorie and I went on our Wednesday Coffee Date.

We are enjoying a special sweet treat this week. Our good friends returned from their anniversary trip to Hawaii and brought home some pineapples.

At school, we have this fancy pineapple tool.

At home I needed to rely on a sharp knife to cut, core,

and prepare bite size pieces.

Callie and Lucy have been great support as 
I continue to clean in the shop and garage.

Happy Weekend!
Take care,

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