Saturday, August 22, 2015

Wedding Week ~Beautiful Ceremony ~~Saturday...The Main Event #hubertpartyof2

All of a sudden, it was Saturday afternoon...
the real reason every one was here.

I appreciate all of your sweet comments this week.
I also know you are all awaiting wedding photos.
Outdoors, the heat index was 105 degrees.

Indoors...Air Conditioning.

I am so thankful that other's were taking photos during this part of the day,
as I was running around taking care of everyone's needs,
like a typical mother of the bride.

The photographer was already at the church when we arrived,
so the girls quickly got into their dresses.

The Bride's sister touched up her make-up 
and her new sisters helped position her veil.

It was a beautiful ceremony...
with scriptures and a message for the bride and groom.

They exchanged vows that they wrote themselves.

And then they lit the traditional Unity Candle.
The ceremony was lovely.
I can't wait to see what the professional photographer captured.

And then we were swept away to the reception.
Stay tuned for more.

Take care,


Unknown said...

What a beautiful wedding for a lovely family..congratulations, Natalie!

Allison said...

Congratulations~~What a beautiful wedding.

I've been behind on my blog reading. Happy belated birthday! I loved looking at the house you grew up in. It's beautiful, too bad it couldn't be moved.
My oldest daughter got married this summer, we did a lot of crafting for it too.

Unknown said...

So pretty!!

Joyce said...

Everything looks beautiful! Best wishes to the newly marrieds!

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