Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday Mania ~More Wedding Talk ~~Dance Like No One is Watching

After dinner, it was time to get the party started!

Hubby and I listened to several Father/Daughter dance songs, 
and we both agreed that
Frank Sinatra's "The Way You Look Tonight" would be perfect.

"Yes, You're Lovely"...
(You really need to listen to the lyrics in my link below.)

Midway through the song,
the groom brought his mother to the dance floor.
A pretty special moment...

Then it was time for everyone 
to celebrate with the newlyweds.

Good girlfriends are a must...

No matter what your age!

Then, there was the bride's garter.

All of the single men played a round of musical chairs 
to see who would win the garter.

It came down to the groom's best friend from Boston
and the groom's 12 year old nephew. guessed it.
The young nephew has the garter!

It was a fun mix of family and friends.

Take care,

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Beautiful! The father/daughter was beautiful as it was but made so much more precious with the son and his mother <3

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