Saturday, September 19, 2015

TGIF ~ Where the Week Went ~~Homemade Cinnamon Rolls ~~Our School Resource Officer Visit ~~The Taser Demonstration

It is still dark when I leave for work in the mornings.
During my commute, I enjoy a beautiful sunrise along with 
an awesome display of color and cloud patterns.
Every day is different.

Speaking of patterns...

It was Yeast Bread Week in my Food Class.
Our dough was nearly perfect.
Students did their best to shape it and prepare it for the pan

And, after the rolls were baked, they looked amazing.

Plus, this week was Parent Teacher Conference Week.
It is always beneficial to visit with parents...
And we got to show off our new ATEC Academy.

We are fortunate to have a School Resource Officer in our building.
We looked forward to his guest presentation in my Personal Development class.

 There is never a lack of volunteers to be handcuffed.

We also get plenty of volunteers for the Taser Demonstration,
but we can't do that to a student!

During the Mock Traffic Stop, we discuss 
what you should and shouldn't do if you are pulled over.

After a few field sobriety tests,
this young lady is free to go!

Here's a quick look at the taser.
Thank you, Officer Carlson.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Take care,

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Oh man. I really need one of those cinnamon rolls. Right now.

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