Monday, February 13, 2017

Monday Mail Call ~A Package from Across the Pond ~~Saturday's work ~Kitchen Backsplash: The Tile and Grout

Our daughter and her hubby were fortunate 
to travel over the holidays. When you live in the UK, 
you can visit other countries as easily 
as we travel to other states in the midwest.

And they were so thoughtful to purchase a souvenir for me!

They purchased a spoon for my collection.
I know, a spoon collection sounds like an "old lady" hobby.
However, I purchased my first spoon when I was in 
High School, on a 4-H Exchange Trip.

On the Home Front
Hubby installed the tile...

and, the grout was a two person job.
I was summoned in to help wash the tiles.
I can't wait to show your the finished backspash.

Take care,

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