Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Happy Anniversary to my Rock Star

This year, we have had plenty of reasons to celebrate.
Today we are celebrating our Anniversary.

Thirty six years ago, surrounded by family and friends,
we vowed to join together in Holy Matrimony 
and to share all that was come...for better, for worse.

I was teaching Home Economics and working at Northwest Fabrics.
Hubby worked in Retail, managing Osborns Mens Clothing Store
and of course, played in a band on the weekends.

Yes, these Rock and Roll Hall of Fame musicians...

we all there and provided the music at our wedding.
(I wish I had a recording of our ceremony)

And those girlfriends...

were also there to share in our special day.

We have seen many changes over the years.

And in 2014,

I cannot imagine our lives without 
our daughters and their husbands.
They bring us so much joy.

Here's to 36 years together...
and many more to come.

Take care,


Moneik said...

Happy Anniversary! We are celebrating 9 year today.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Happy 36th to you both. What a great inspiration you are to your girls. AND you both STILL look wonderful.....that's what happiness does to you. ;)
I love that you're still in touch with the same girlfriends; that's priceless!

Happy Happy Birthday, Emily

Today we celebrate the Birthday of our second born daughter, the baby that that made our family complete. A happy little girl, Smart and a l...