Saturday, July 27, 2019

This Boot is Made for Walking ~And That’s Just What We’ll Do ~I Got Some Good News

It has been six weeks since my unfortunate mishap
while hiking on vacation in New Hampshire.

That means six weeks of 
non-weight-bearing sitting in a chair.

...while wearing this non-walking walking boot.

A rental wheelchair saved our family vacation...
along with my family that was so good about 
maneuvering it all over Boston.

We found the wheelchair so helpful that
hubby rented one when we got home.
It stays in the garage for when we go out and about. 
Hubby has take me, in the chair, to
Mavericks -3 times
Kesslers -twice
Clinic - twice
Target - once
I’d say we’ve gotten our money’s worth.

In the house I have appreciated my mom’s walker.
The seat allows me accomplish some simple house chores while sitting.
It is complete with a basket for toting my stuff around.

We also had my mom’s shower chair in storage...
and now it is in our bathroom.

Hubby lowered our ironing board...pressing my clothes 
was one of the chores I can accomplish while sitting, 
along with chopping vegetables to be sautéed,
and hand washing a few dishes.

Thanks to a friend for this tip...I ordered a Grabber “for the elderly”
It was a great $9.00 investment.
Plus I can keep it and use it again when I am “elderly”!

In the last couple of weeks, I graduated to this knee scooter.
Now I can actually get to my closet and into my sewing studio.

And then, yesterday, a day I have been waiting for...
My appointment at the Orthopedic Clinic.

This X-ray would determine my level of activity 
for the next four weeks.

I was overjoyed to hear the words,
“You can start walking on your walking boot!”
It will take time to regain my strength, flexibility, and balance. 
However, it feels so good to be standing upright.

Take care,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Ninetieth Birthday Celebration ~Here’s My Report

My Mother-in-Law had a milestone birthday on Friday.
When one turns 90,
they deserve to celebrate all weekend long.
We all enjoyed a dinner out with family.

She has always appreciated a bouquet of flowers for her table, 
so this was our gift to her.
They graced our table at the restaurant and
again the next day at her coffee party.

She insisted that she did not want to have a big party 
for her big birthday, so we planned a 
small intimate gathering with cupcakes and coffee
for her closest friends and neighbors.

It was perfect for a weekend afternoon.

The Birthday Girl and her guests enjoyed
the sweet treats and good conversation.

Thank you to everyone that has
also sent Greeting Cards with personal notes.

This next photo showed up in my Facebook Memories...
taken the day of her 80th Birthday Reception.

My Oh My, we all look young here!
Cherish the time you spend with your family.
Such sweet memories.

Take care,

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Someone Special Sunday ~A Visit from My Long-Time College Friend

We had the best visit with my friend,
Debra and her hubby.
We met when we were Freshmen at NDSU,
over 4 decades ago!

We were both Textiles and Clothing Majors.
We planned our class schedules together 
so we could always be lab partners.

We have stayed in touch over the years,
and when they come home to spend time with family, 
they squeeze in a little visit with us.

When they visit, they usually bring gifts.
This darling little kitty plate is for our Lizzie to eat her treats.

Because they are crazy cat people...just like we are!

Of course, a cat can’t have its own plate without treats.
The gift bag included treats for me too...
these cookies from one of Debra’s companies look so tasty.

Check out this cute idea...
a slender gift box for birthdays or holidays.

It flips open with a message and plenty of room to 
write your own personal greeting.

Inside the box, a candy bar!
This one is Sea Salt Caramel and Dark Chocolate.

My hubby loves his new football cutting board
for our tailgating table this fall.

And, they always bring wine...
After all, they live in California Wine Country.

Thank you Debra and Brian for a lovely evening.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.

Take care,

Friday, July 19, 2019

Happy 90th Birthday to my Mother-in-Law

Today is a Milestone Birthday 
for my hubby’s mother...
We plan to celebrate all weekend!

If you’d like to send greetings 
please contact me for her mailing address.

She enjoys the independence of living in her own home, 
with the help of my sister-in-law and my husband.
Here she is entertaining us on Christmas Day.

She misses her sisters dearly,
as they have all passed on to their heavenly home.
They always had so much fun at family gatherings.

Once you are a certain age, you are allowed to enjoy your pie 
and a leisurely second cup of coffee on Thanksgiving, 
while the younger generation cleans up the kitchen.

Last year, we celebrated her birthday with dinner at home.
She sat on the patio to watch the grill-master at work.

She embraces her role as great grandmother.
This is the first time she and Jack met face to face...
he is certainly charming for his great grandma!

We had to take “four generation” photos.

Best wishes for a wonderful birthday weekend,
and here’s to many more!

Take care,

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Tuesday Tip of the Day ~Saving Clipped Recipes ~Some of my Favorites

You all know that I would rather cook than bake.
I love to look at recipes...and I love to try new recipes.
This Shrimp Pasta Dish is one of our favorite go-to meals, 
when we are short on preparation time.

And this is one of our favorite 
go-to appetizers to serve in the summertime.
It is so easy to prepare that you don’t even need a recipe.

Hubby and I enjoy this Watermelon & Orange Salad, too...
Tastes like summer!

In a previous post, I showed you the new magazines 
that come into our house every month.
As you might guess, it is hard to keep up. 
But, now that I can’t do anything besides sit,
I have been going through my accumulation.

My mother was the Master of clipping and saving
recipes from newspapers and magazines.
But then you have to find a way to manage those...

When I see a recipe I want to save, I take a photo.
These Rosemary-Spice Walnuts look easy and delicious. 
I think they will be a low-carb, high protein snack 
on our tailgating table this fall.

Instead of recipe boxes or binders,
I have started a digital photo album to keep them all in one place.

No worries, I also still have have a collection
of favorite recipes on my Pinterest Page.

We have a little herb garden on our patio...
so maybe you noticed I saved several recipes
to make use of that fresh flavor.

I can’t wait to get back on my feet 
and can spend more time in the kitchen!

Take care,

It was a Warm Welcome Home from our Furry Friends

Mazzie says, “You’ve got some explaining to do… We have not seen you for two weeks!!” Yes, we were gone for two weeks… We spent 8 full days ...