Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Storybook Land ~Another Hometown Treasure ~Jack’s Favorite...Anything to do with Trains

It fair to say that Jack loved the trains at Storybook Land.
All the trains. This one is designed
so children can climb aboard and play.

We spent a lot of time here, just taking it all in.

To be honest, Jack likes anything with wheels.
Trains, Cars, Fire Trucks, and Papa’s Big Pickup.

Here’s Jack operating the Fire Truck at Storybook Land.

Of course we bought tickets to ride the Big Train
that goes out through the Zoo and all around the Park.
Jack took this trip very seriously.

Here he is with his Mama after our ride.

Remember this from two years ago...
This was his first ride
on the Storybook Land Express.

We had so much fun that we had to take Papa
out to the park again later in the week.
Once again, the trains were the most captivating.

Next year, we will get tickets for this train ride, too.
But Papa and Gigi were too big for this one,
and we wanted to go, too!

It’s fun for everyone of all ages.

“Bye Choo Choo”
See you next summer!

Take care,

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Sunday Funday ~Where the Week Went ~We Enjoyed a Couple of Very Special Visitors ~Twist Cone, a Summer Tradition

I can’t think of a better start to our summer season
and my birthday week.

Their visit was an unexpected surprise
and a big boost to this Papa and Gigi’s morale.

Jack and his Mama came to stay for the week.
His Daddy was scheduled to be away for work,
so it was the perfect opportunity for them to visit us.

We kicked off their first night here with dinner
and a little trip out to the golf course.
Guess who drove the cart.

haha, just kidding. Papa drove the cart...
Jack’s Mama and I drove our vehicle behind them
to pick scoop them up and bring them home.

But not before a little detour past Twist Cone.
One cannot come home without getting a treat
at our Hometown Ice Cream Hot Spot.

This was Jack’s first visit
to Twist Cone, two years ago.

This year, he had his very own baby cone...
complete with candy eyes.
It is a summer tradition.

It was a sweet start to their visit.

Take care,

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Fathers Day Blessings ~Love These Three Special Dads

My Hubby, Father our our Daughters.
Our family has always enjoyed spending a weekend
in the cities and a visit to Target Field for a Twins game.
This photo is from years ago, but still one of my favorites.

Of course, I miss my own Daddy a little more on Father’s Day.
This was my mother’s favorite photo of us.
She carried it in her wallet for years.

Our Son-in-Law
and Father of our Grandson...
Sending love and hugs to this special guy
across the miles on Father’s Day
and everyday!

Hug your Daddy a little tighter today.

Take care,

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A Love Story That Started 74 Years Ago ~Happy Anniversary to my Parents in their Heavenly Home ~Here’s How they Celebrated their Special Day

 Today my parents are celebrating their
Wedding Anniversary in their Heavenly Home.
They were married 74 years ago,
after my dad came home from WWII.

He was a man of few words, however he wrote to her
frequently during the four years that he was gone.

I have those letters, tied with a ribbon
in my mom’s Hope Chest in
one of the bedrooms downstairs.
Along with this book of wedding mementos...

...such as this Newspaper Clipping
and handwritten story of their engagement.

You can see in their Wedding Photo that a bride of that time
often wore a nice suit instead of a long white gown.
It was practical, as they could wear it
for special events over and over again.

Plus those women grew up during the Depression
and were accustomed to making do with very little.

Also in that book of memories, is this photo of their first home,
this majestic old farmhouse. They lived here from that June day
until we moved during the Winter of 1970.

For their anniversary celebration, I picture my mother
spent the afternoon getting ready by setting her hair with rollers,
and sitting under the dryer while polishing her nails.
She would get dressed with her nylon stockings,
pencil skirt and jacket. Of course she wore heels.
My dad came in from working in the field.
He cleaned up and put on a suit and tie.

They would drive the 20 miles into Devils Lake to go to a nice restaurant.
My Dad would order the Ribs.
It would come with a finger bowl on the side.
If the band played Alley Cat, he would ask my mom to dance
and they would two-step around the dance floor.

One of the Bye girls would come to babysit me,
And when I got up the next morning,
I had the treat of eating a package of those fancy crackers
and playing with the little plastic sword that came in my mom’s beverage.

Sweet Memories.

Take care,

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Flag Day 2020 ~Remembering my Grandmother on her Birthday ~Happy Birthday to my Blog ~My Annual Birthday Give Away

The Origins of the first American Flag Day
go back to the Revolutionary War, and involve
the nation’s founding father, George Washington.
He tasked seamstress Betsy Ross with the making of
a flag for the American cause. On June 14, 1777,
the Congress approved the design of the official American Flag.

Centuries later, in 1949, President Harry Truman
proclaimed June 14 to be Flag Day.

I found this quote by Senator John Thune of South Dakota,
“I believe our flag is more that just cloth and ink.
It is a universally recognized symbol that
stands for liberty and freedom. It is the history of our nation,
and it’s marked by the blood of those who died defending it.”

June 14 was a day when we celebrated my Grandmother’s birthday.
If you have ever scrolled to the bottom of my blog,
you have seen this photo. She is there in the center.
Today, she would have been 127 years old.

This photo was taken on Thanksgiving Day in our old Farmhouse.
That is me sitting on my Grandpa’s lap.
Then Grandma Rhuda and Grandma Hilda seated next to him.
Standing behind us is my Daddy and my Uncle Milford.
My Grandparents lived nearby and we saw them often.

I started this blog on Flag Day in 2008,
with a tribute to my grandmother.

A woman who taught in a one room schoolhouse,
got married, and raised a family of nine children.
She milked the cows, baked all their bread,
and grew all their produce in her garden.
How she found time to sew quilts
and crochet bedspreads is amazing.

Today, on my blog’s 12th Birthday,
I am hosting my traditional Birthday Give-Away.
Anyone who comments on this post, will be considered.
I will draw a name on my birthday, which is June 23rd.

I have done this every June and it is fun to see
where all the packages have traveled to.

I look forward to hearing from all of you.
Stay Safe and Well.

Take care,

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Pizza Friday ~Addendum to my Report ~Two New Favorites ~Taco Pizza ~Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza

Trust me...there is a slice of pizza under those toppings.
I don’t think it gets any better than this...
combining two of our favorite foods, tacos and pizza, all in one.
I mean, there are Doritos on this pizza!

When it came out of the oven, it looked like this...
taco meat, sautéed peppers and onions, tomato slices,
black olives, and two kinds of cheese.

Fresh ingredient toppings include Romaine lettuce, tomato,
and Cilantro from our Patio Herb Garden.
I’m pretty sure we’ll make this one again!

Remember last week, after having a procedure done at the hospital,
I wasn’t really in the mood for Quarantine Cooking,
so Hubby Picked up this Take and Bake Pizza...
Chicken, Steak, Red Onion, Green Pepper, and Tomatoes.

Another Favorite was the Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza
that we created the week before.
There’s seasoned Ground Beef, Mushrooms, Onions, and Red Pepper.
(The Hamburger Dill Pickle Slices are optional)

This one also needed a little Sharp Cheddar
along with the Italian Blend of Cheeses.

This was so tasty.
Now, here’s a little tip...
Please learn from my mistakes!

When finishing a pizza, I like to put it under the broiler,
just long enough to lightly toast the cheese.
The first time I made the Bacon Cheeseburger Pizza,
the Bacon was exposed on top and got a little too brown.
So, last time I made sure it was under a blanket of cheese.

We have also settled on a favorite crust recipe.
Remember I have experimented with several...
We prefer a thin crust, and I like to add
a teaspoon of dried Italian Seasoning with the flour.

I have a Pizza Pinterest Board
if you are interested in any of these recipes.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.
Stay Safe and Well.

Take care,

Thursday, June 11, 2020

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~Leads to Things in our House Thursday ~Anniversary Report ~Quarantine Cooking ~Patriotic Face Masks

 We celebrated our Anniversary this week...
My flowers still look pretty and bring cheer to my morning!

Just in case you needed a reminder...
it was 39 years ago.
Next year we will celebrate, big time!

What else happened this week?
If you are over 50, you know what this means...

“Aging is not for the weak”

Hubby and his woodturning buddy took a road trip
with the big pickup and a trailer to a SawMill in Wisconsin
to get a load of wood for their projects.

That was an opportunity for me to make
one of my favorite dishes...
this is how it starts.

And this is the finished product.
Moroccan Quinoa Salad.

More Quarantine Cooking includes these Blueberry Scones,

This Spicy Rub for Chicken on the Grill,

And Rhubarb Marmalade.

With Flag Day right around the corner,
I’ve expanded my Patriotic Mask inventory...

As our country starts to open up again, many places
are requiring a mask. Please let me know if you need one...
I have several fabrics to choose from.

Stay safe and well, everyone.
Take care,

Labor Day ~Unofficial End to Summer ~Hello College Football ~Road Trip ~The Cats ~What’s on the Worktable

Where did the Summer go? We kicked off Labor Day Weekend with the start of College Football Season. We watched our Bison from home. Hubby pr...