Thursday, September 7, 2023

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~Feels like Fall, Y’All ~In the Kitchen ~On my Worktable

After our Weekend of Fun, we got back to Business at Home.
First thing, change our Seasonal Decor to Autumn.
I have Wooly Acorn Ornaments for the “Nightlight” Tree
on my bathroom vanity.

Most mornings begin with Physical Therapy stretches and exercises.
Meet my Coach, Lizzie. Sometimes she falls asleep on the job.

Labor Day, the unofficial last day of summer,
 and it felt like summer, indeed.

The following day it was 30° cooler.
There’s truth to that saying,
“If you don’t like the weather, stick around ten minutes”

The fall-like weather prompted me to preheat the oven and
try a new recipe for Kitchen Sink Cookies.

What else is brewing in the Kitchen?
Rusty Bells and Safety Pins…

…Finishing Touches for some of these Creations.
I look forward to putting these together later today.
Thanks, Hubby, for hand-turning the wooden pedestals.

And these, stay tuned to see how my Turkeys turn out.

As we begin this new season,
I hope you all find a balance between Self Care,
House Chores, Hobbies you Enjoy,
and Spending Time with Family and Friends.

Take care,

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