Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Our Autumn Adventure ~Leaf Peepin’ Tour ~How We Made it Home

Our ten days together had come to an end.

We have been home for almost two weeks, but as promised,
 I’m  back to share photos of how we got here.

We Retired Empty Nesters left Plymouth and
headed North through Boston.

We were goin’ a Leaf Peepin’

And then, this happened.

Yep, right before we got to the exit to Vermont’s
most popular Leaf Peeping Highway.

Hubby planned our route to continue North into Canada,
and spend our first night in Montreal.

“Parlez-vous François?”

We found ourselves in a Sports Bar,
all the TVs were broadcasting the big Hockey Game
between Montreal and Ottawa.
In French.

The fans were loud and rowdy…
And we cheered with them when Montreal scored a goal.

We were blessed with a Server that grew up in a home
where her father spoke English and her mother spoke French.
She was so helpful, I resisted the urge to hug her when we left.

And I enjoyed the most tasty Fish Taco.
That place was a Win-Win.

When in Canada, on a Fall Foliage Tour,
one has Maple Greek Yogurt for Breakfast 🍁 

Day Two…still cloudy, drizzly, and rainy.

We were making the best of a Soggy Situation.

This was our only bright spot of sunshine for the day!

Day Three… Snowing.

Seemed appropriate to have an evening bite to eat at a place called
Wacky’s Sports Bar.

When in Canada, one must order the Poutine.

Day Four…more Rain.

And a wet Border Crossing

It was Windy and Lake Superior was Wild.
We pulled into a scenic overlook to watch the Waves.

Then this made our day!

On to Duluth for lunch in a beautiful city.

Our last night was In Brainerd.
This was the view from our window.
We saw some of the most beautiful scenery
along the way back home.

And finally, after five days, we saw the sun.
It was warm and welcoming…a reminder that God is Good.

Take care,

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