Friday, October 27, 2023

What’cha Workin’ On? ~Since We’ve Been Home ~Our Re-Entry Report ~Much Miscellaneous

After a three week vacation, it takes some time to get back
into an everyday routine of House Chores and Projects…Re-Entry.

I think Lizzie was pleased to have us home.

Morning is for coffee, reviewing the calendar, 
for making lists, and checking them twice.

First on my agenda was restocking the pantry and refrigerator.
The Cupboard was Bare.

We enjoyed our first Pot Roast Sunday of the Season.

Comfort Food at it’s finest.

On our Fall Foliage Tour, we picked up a couple of Pumpkins.
Did you know, yesterday was National Pumpkin Day?

This is Minnesota and Michigan.

The Handmade Market was prominent on our To-Do list.
We appreciate our good friends that helped us set-up and pack-up.

And now, we turn our creative attentions to
Winterfest Preparations.

Pot Roast Sunday leads to Hot Beef Combos later in the week…
More Comfort Food.

These Retired Empty Nesters have settled back into our Everyday Routine…
Cleaning..Cooking..and Crafting..
Here’s what’s new from the Wood Shop.

Take care,

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