Monday, August 31, 2009

Inappropriate?? Probably...

This is the controversial Tshirt. As tradtion, the senior boys designed and sold Tshirts for the first home football game. On Friday, administration made the announcement to the student body that these shirts would be banned from the game. If students were wearing these, they would be sent home to change. This announcement came after anywhere from 150 to 400 shirts were sold...
When we got to the game about 30 minutes before kick-off... Two thirds of the students were wearing their shirts...No one appeared to be going home! Hmmm...did they change their mind?

So...this is the story...
There are 16 teams in Class AA athletics in our state...15 public schools and 1 private school. The general understanding is that the private school has significant $$$ available and will recruit the best athletes in the area...the attend and play sports for their school. The public schools have to build their teams simply on the athletes that are enrolled there. Therefore, this private school has been a power house in football and basketball for several years.

Well, in March 2007, (our daughter's Senior year), we were we at the Boys BB State Tournament. The private school was the defending state champion...ranked #1 in the state and in the tournament. We were the underdogs...the #8 seed in the tournament. Somehow, our boys put together two amazing games and now were in the Championship Game... and were playing this team very closely...We were playing on their home court, in front of their home crowd. We were 3 1/2 hours from home and had a much smaller crowd. All the athletes were playing with a lot of heart and emotion.

Before we knew it...student fans from other schools from all over the state were coming over to our end of the arena. (See our blue and gold dressed kids in the center there?) They were now surrounded and supported by students wearing red, black, green and orange...Showing support for us, the underdogs. It was pretty cool. Well, the game was close...and in the end...we had less points on the scoreboard...but I can tell you who sure felt like the winners!! was this incident that was the inspiration for the 2009 football tshirts. A great memory, a good story...but probably not what you should print on a t shirt...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Stitching and Stewing on Sunday

Today...between correcting piles of papers...I finished my Thanksgiving Turkeys. It has been a couple of years since I have made them. It is always fun to put them together, because they seem to take on a personality all their own!

We are invited out tonight. Our good friends are preparing snack like food for our Sunday night together. Hubby is grilling some of his Homemade Sausage. After their big hunt, he and his buddies get together and make their own sausage.

They are best prepared on the grill. One sausage ring is the Apple, Cheese and Wild Rice recipe.
The other sausage ring is Red Pepper, Onion, Cheese and Hashbrown recipe.
After he has them grilled, he cuts them into bite size pieces and keeps them warm in our crockpot.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Finally Friday...Things in my House Thursday...What'cha Working On Wednesday...

First week of school...course descriptions....classroom expectations...prepare curriculum...hang posters...organize equipment...purchase supplies....gather materials...memorize 110 student names...correct papers...
I was ready for a Friday. It was a beautiful night for soccer. The Varsity Boys played first. The Varsity Girls played the late game and were under the lights. The Girls beat the #1 ranked team in the state. It was very exciting. And now, my late blog assignments...

Things in my House Thursday...
Remember the Cat Bunk Beds from a couple of weeks ago? Well, in this room, their beds are lofted...

What'cha working on Wednesday?
I finished the pumpkin project that I started a few weeks ago. Just in time for our Fall Celebration on Etsy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday's Tip of the Day

As most of you know, Hubby and I spent the entire month of July working on our, painting, sorting, throwing, storing away, donating, organizing, redecorating...we wanted things to be perfect when Line got here!

We had painted one end of our family room...where the computer desk, book shelves and library table are arranged. I needed to arrange and rehang our family photos. I had put this project off, knowing what a chore it is to get them straight and keep them straight. Please don't laugh at I the only one on the planet who is not already using this tip? It seems so obvious now...

I laid all the photos out on the floor until I found an arrangement that suited know the visual weight and balance had to be just so....
Then I hung them on the wall with hammer and nails...and to keep them in place, I applied this adhesive putty to the lower corners...yes the stuff that teachers and college students use to hang posters in their rooms...
All these years, I have had to straighten the pictures when one seemed they all stay in place!

 is my gallery of family photos...

Amy has been in school for a week, Emily's first day of classes were today, Line is at their first out of town soccer game. Good luck, girls!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School ~ Part 4 and the County Fair Comes to an End

  • For all of you in blogland that wanted to see how Line's first day of school went, I have learned she does not like to have her picture taken, so you will have to just hear about her start of school. All exchange students met first with a counselor to have a tour of the school. When I asked the Norwegian girls how their first day was, Line said 'ok'...Emilie said 'very interesting' and Anna said 'scary'. I asked her 'scary' in what way? Well, because it is so big and so different from school at home.

And my day?? Scary...I met 88 new faces...with 88 new names...

Line and I both have homework...
Today was the last day for the Brown County Fair. Not much went on out there today. The 4-Hers sell their cattle...and then, of course, the clean-up. My girls had wanted to ride the ponies, but there is an 85 lb. limit for riders.

Hubby, Emily and Line experienced their first Rodeo. We saw some impressive cattle roping, barrel racing, and bull riding...

I love to visit the animals...did I mention that I grew up on a farm?

And you have to try the Corn Dogs...perhaps the most popular Fair Food of all.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stitching and Stewing on Sunday

Have you all tried the Beer Butt Chicken on the Grill? You can use a beer can or you can buy a special cylinder.Our daughters gave one to their dad for Father's Day. Fill the cylinder with beer or Apple Juice and seasonings...Which ever way you choose to prepare it, I promise it will be moist and delicious.

So tonight...we roasted a chicken on the grill with hubby's home brew. And of course...all the alcohol evaporates away.
Line had a better offer...she was invited to eat at a friend's house. So hubby and I ate some amazing chicken, garlic buttered steamed green beans and french bread.

Today I have been working on some pumpkins for my Etsy Shop. I stitched them, stuffed them, and stained them. At first, they were drying in my oven. Then I realized it was nearly as warm outside as it was in the oven so I moved them out to the patio...

It is Back-to-School Eve we need some Serious Sleep...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Soccer-Filled Saturday

Today was the first conference soccer game of the season. The Varsity Teams play on the turf. Girls won their game 1-0. The bleachers on the home side are under repair, so all the fans sat on the visitor side.
Here is Line's name in the roster. She has been working with our athletic trainer to strengthen her knee and probably will not play until it is better.
The Junior Varsity games are held on the grass fields...just outside the stadium. The JV Girls won 7-0.

Another soccer mom and friend of mine set us up with some soccer gear to wear to games...a Tshirt for me and a hat for my hubby.

This was the weekend for students to move back to college. Scott went to meet Jake's folks who came from Seattle. While there they attended the Air Show featuring the Blue Angels.

After a day in the sun and fresh air, Line and I are content at home crafting, watching movies and blogging...

Friday, August 21, 2009

Back to School ~ Part 3

It was my turn to return to school. We had some time yesterday to work in our classrooms. Technology funds were used to purchase Epson Projectors for our rooms. Our technology coordinator set mine up...I will project my Classroom Expectations and Course Outlines from my Website in this manner. Think of the paper I'll save by not running a hard copy for each student!
Today's Keynote Speaker was Dr. Ed Porthan. His presentation was 'Embracing Excellence'.

This is Line's last weekend of vacation before she reports to school on Monday.
And for the cats...things are much the same...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School ~ Part 2

It was Emily's turn to head back to school. She was only home for two weeks since she had been to the second summer session. The time went so fast for us. We spent the day packing her clothes, more apartment stuff, some groceries. Her car was loaded...

Line, her new sister, brought out her fish...

One more good-bye hug for Callie...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Lovely Gifts from Norway and What'cha Working on Wednesday

Line presented our family with lovely gifts from her home country. This book is filled with beautiful photos of Norway...the scenic country side, the customs, the attractions, the people...I enjoy learning more about Line's background.

In another package...this cheese slicer of handmade Norwegian Pewter.

This necklace is special because it was made by Line's Mom's friend. It is black, silver and green...some of my favorite colors. Thank you so very much.

And what was I working on today? Time for the Annual Check-up at the Animal Health Clinic. Callie was skeptical at first...but soon we were all ready to go.

The ride in the car is perhaps the most stressful...can you see the eyes peering out as us?
At the clinic we received a clean bill of health. Callie lost a half a pound...Lucy gained a half a pound so they're even, I guess...

We have also spent some time preparing for Emily's return to college...washing the car...washing clothes. Since she does not have an ironing board, I pressed several items for her...

This is also County Fair Week...more on that another day...

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...