Monday, October 26, 2009

Out with the Old...In with the New

This weekend I said good-bye to my old red Taurus...I have driven this car for twelve years. We purchased her in 1997. Emily was 8; Amy was 12. It's really not the car that makes me feel sentimental, but all the memories...
In this car we drove to swim team work-outs, to the dance studio, to tennis and golf lessons; to gymnastics and basketball practice.
In this car we went to Discovery, Peer Ministry, SADD and Teen Court Activites. One summer I kept track of how many miles I drove around town, delivering car pools of kids to their events...the average...45 miles a day. She was faithful...She was paid for...but, she was old...
So...I said good-bye to my car. And...hubby said hello to a pick-up. I think he has always secretly wanted you see how seriously he is taking this drive?
Within 24 hours of owning the pick up, we are hauling leaves to the landfill...This pickup will earn her keep.

Sooo...hubby now drives his redneck pickup...and I am driving the Trailblazer. Am I complaining?? Absolutely not...the Trailblazer has an AutoStart...and you all remember the winter we had last year!!


marie said...

I say yay to autostart!! Nice pick-up too! It's always nice to have something to haul things in.

Lori in South Dakota said...

Ken so likes autostart on the new car, he is talking about adding it to the others. Me, I just ask HIM to go out and start the car!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Congratulations on upgrading. I know it is hard to get rid of something with so many memories...for me, it would be getting rid of the "old car smell, for new car smell". :)

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Congratulations......i've been driving a pick-up for'll love it!!

You can put lots of fabric and crafty stuff in that covered bed....


Cath's Pennies Designs said...

Ohhhh, I'm so glad to read about your old Taurus! I have a 2000 Taurus with a little over 122,000 miles on it. Such a great car, but it's seen better days and it's time for a trade in. I know exactly what you mean about the memories. My car is part of the family! It's going to be difficult to part with it. Just last week, someone backed into the passenger door, leaving a dent, so now I'm even more inclined to trade it in. It's starting to look pretty bad. I will miss it, but it must be done!

Willoughby said...

We couldn't live without our pickup! I can't tell you how often we haul wood, trim, landscape supplies and misc. large items. Love it!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

Yay for the auto start, that will come in handy!

Kathy said...

It's hard to give up old reliable cars. Lately I don't seem to keep my long enough to really get attached. I will say I am lovin' my new little Prius...especially the 49 mpg that I get. Sure has cut down on the visits to the gas station!

jodi said...

Congrats on the new car.

My CRV has 161,000 on it and I dread the day it finally dies. I look at the stickers and magnets that I have on it and it's a diary of our lives.

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