Sunday, December 20, 2009

Who's Naughty, Who's Nice

Just thought I'd post some of the evidence related to the Christmas Tree Vandalism incident on Wednesday. While I didn't see it happen, I have a pretty good idea as to who is the guilty party...

A picture speaks a thousand words...

Everyone is OK...The tree is back in place...minus a few bulbs...
The gifts are all in one piece...arranged again under the tree...
Both cats are still indoor cats...

Emily had her last two finals on has returned home for the Holiday Break. We four enjoyed dinner out at one our favorite local restaurants.
Wishing you a Warm and Wonderful Christmas
with your family and friends.


Kathy said...

HAHA! I understand. Irv and I are just headed out to the store this morning and he said, "You are brave leaving those gifts under the tree."

Think I will removed them....

Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

She sure fakes innocense well. Hee! Happy Holidays!!

Carey's Farmhouse Kitchen said...

I laughed outloud when I saw your previous post. It's not funny but I've had plenty of cats that did things like that. I honestly think my tree is too big for my big fat cat to bother with but he has chewed on some of the raffia and branches. Glad all is better now.


Betty said...

Good morning, Natalie! I was so sorry to hear about your Christmas tree, and I have to admit that the photos did make me chuckle. Wishing you and yours all the best this Christmas time.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Natalie, Did those kitties get a lump of coal in their stockings?????? Naughty ones for sure... Don't they know that Santa is 'watching'?????? ha ha

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

Della said...

Oh my gosh, those kitties are ornery little buggers. lol Mine don't climb the artifical tree but they always made messes when we had real trees. gotta love them. Have a Merry Christmas Natalie.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I laughed out loud seeing those eyes in the tree!!! GUILTY AS CHARGED. :)
So have such a great attitude Natalie. So, you have one home now...when is your other daughter joining the family for Christmas?
Have a great day, Suz

xxx said...

Sorry about the tree, but thank you for the laugh :)

best wishes to you for the festive season and thank you for visiting with me.

Merry Christmas

Oklahoma Granny said...

Your kitties are so pretty and I love how you captured the reflection of one of their faces in the Christmas ornament.

Stacey said...

Merry Christmas to you too.

Your cats are adorable!

Carol said...

LOL "not me" Too cute. Merry Christmas Natalie!! Enjoy a wonderful holiday and last week of 2009. I can't believe we are entering a second decade in the 2000s. Went by fast for me.

God bless!

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