Thursday, April 29, 2010

Things in my House Thursday ~ The Little Things that Make Me Smile

You all know that my Kitchen is my favorite room in our house?
So...besides the ones you've already seen...
Here's my
Ceramic Chicken.
My friend, Kari, and I both bought them at Hobby Lobby
when we were in Rapid City for State AA's.
My Banana Tree...
with Bananas, the perfect ripeness.
My Recipe Keeper.
A Fresh Lemon.
My Handmade Ceramic Basket,
filled with Onions and Garlic.
My nested Mixing Bowls,
a Special gift from Emily.
Then, in the Window Sill...
My Hand-Crafted Kitty.
Years ago, my friend, Lorie and I made them together.
An antique Shaker...
And my Arcosanti Bell.
I was there in 1977...
Just 21 years old!
In my Coffee Station,
My Coffee Canister...
and a Favorite Mug,
a Special gift from Amy.
My pencil Crock,
Salvaged from items in our Barn.
My Sweet Cookbook Stand holds a gift from
my good friend, Kari...
Dining Dakota Style.
Fabulous Recipes!
What's in your Kitchen that makes you smile?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What'cha Working on Wednesday?

It has been quite a while since Callie and I have worked on a craft project...
and I'll admit that I'm missing it...just a bit.
Well...maybe a lot...

Between taking care of my mom's business...
Preparing for the end of a school year...
Keeping up with our own home...

Crafting is just not happening right now! won't be long and I'll be

And you'll be the first to see and hear all about it!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Home Away from Home~Tuesday's Tip of the Day

Most of you know that during the month that my mom was in the hospital,
I stayed at a motel in Grand Forks.
I so appreciated a bed to sleep in...
A shower to freshen up...
Some Wireless to be in touch with family and friends...
A Continental Breakfast to nourish...

But what's up with a Motel
and their lack of electrical outlets?

Here you see
Our mini refrigerator...
Our Microwave...
Our Wall Light...

...And Emily's Phone Charger...

...We still have more stuff to plug in...

So I purchased an inexpensive power strip...One I can use when we stay out of town...and it will be stored in my suitcase.  That way, I cannot...will not... forget to pack it. 
In this day of technology...we need more outlets...
for multiple cell phones, camera battery chargers and computers.
We need to plug in alarm clocks, lamps, shavers, hair straighteners, and blow dryers.
If motels do not provide enough access to electrical outlets,
You need to be prepared!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Celebrating with Family and Friends

It is Line's Birthday today...a BIG is!
It is her 18th birthday...her 'legal' birthday, as Grammy would say. 

I suspect her celebration here was quite different than what she would have had at home...but pretty typical for us...

Line chose the menu for our family dinner.  She requested
Pork Chops
Baked Potatoes
Grilled Asparagus
Line's Host Dad, the Grill Chef.

Line's Host Mom, responsible for Mise en place

Here is the Birthday Girl with her Host Grandma and Host Aunt, the dinner guests.
Friends arrived for cupcakes and conversation.
And they did not arrive empty handed...
I guess everyone knows that Line loves Chocolate!
Happy Birthday, Line.
Best wishes for many more!

Guess Who's Having a Birthday Today...

Stay tuned for Birthday News!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The American Dream...Prom

Mario and Line
A girl must start her day early...

...Get out to the Mall for important appointments.




Then home for a little lunch...

The man's tie must be perfect.

Finally...the tie looks good!

They're off to their next destination...Dinner at "The Flame"...
The Grand March...
The Dance...
Post Prom Activities.
Prom...some say it's over rated...
I'd say it's
A Night to Remember!

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...