Thursday, July 29, 2010

Things in my House that Make Me Smile

This beautiful, beautiful gift arrived in my mailbox just the day before I left to come here to mom's.
It is a handmade quilt from Mary of Quilt Hollow.
I was the lucky winner of her most recent blog give-away.
It was all neatly packaged in the mailing envelope
with a sweet handwritten note.
What makes this even more special, is that Mary is one of my very first blog friends. blog friends...
So, to have a quilt that is made by her hands, is certainly a keepsake that I will treasure.
I'm not so sure where I'd like to display it yet...because it just looks so good where ever I drape it.
It spent the first evening in the kitchen beside the gourmet stand...looking good against the red wall.
I also like the idea of having it on the banister.  Having it open, allows everyone to see its full beauty.
See how nice it looks in the family room, too.
If it is draped on the chair in the foyer, it can be appreciated by everyone that visits our home.
What do you think?

Take care,

Please visit Cindy at My Romantic Home for more 'Show and Tell Friday' posts.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Whatcha Working On Wednesday?

It is a beautiful day for a drive.
I am making the 4 hour trip to mom's.
While I am looking forward to seeing her, I am not too excited about what I am going to do while I am  there.
Yes, it is the end of the month...
I must complete the final cleaning of her apartment and turn in her keys.

I am happy that she is adjusting well to the assisted living facility...
...but so sad about what she has had to give up.

Take care,

Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Mania ~ Help...My Viking is Down...

You heard me right...
My Viking doesn't work...the feeddogs won't move...
Therefore, the fabric does not move under the presser foot.
We purchased invested in my Viking in 1980.
That makes him 30 years old...
(That would be 210 in dog years)
But I had to have him...I taught sewing in High School.
I taught Adult Sewing classes through the Technical School.
I taught Sewing Classes at Northwest Fabrics.
I could count on him to sew on buttons and to create a beautiful blind hemming stitch to shorten all of my skirts and trousers.
Change the little computer panel and we could create beautiful embroidery stitches.
My Viking and I stitched bedspreads, drapery, tablecloths and pillows.
We made wool suits for myself and sportcoats for my hubby.
Well, in fact we sewing all of my clothing...dresses, skirts, tops, coats, pants, jackets, pajamas...I even made jeans and my own lingerie.
And then for our daughters...matching dresses
at Christmas and at Easter. to do?
(I just can't bear to send him to the sewing machine graveyard.)
And, do you see how my Hobbylock is trying to inch over into his space?
I love my serger, but there are just certain things that Hobbylock can't do,
like gathering, topstitching, or a narrow rolled hem...

In the meantime...out of storage...
My Singer Genie.
She was my high school graduation gift in the 70's.
Like today's graduate buys a laptop...I bought a sewing machine.
After all...I was going away to major in Textiles and Clothing.
I took every clothing construction course offered.
So...for now...Genie is my "It Girl".
Together we went to college, we adjusted to dorm life, we lived at the sorority house, we stayed up all night to finish projects for my construction courses, we earned our degree, we secured a job teaching Home Economics...

Together...we sewing my wedding dress.

We go way back.

I'd love to hear from any of you if you think there is hope for my Viking friend.
He's been to the most reputable sewing machine shop in South Dakota, but that certainly doesn't mean there isn't someone out there that has a part and can fix him.

He's worth it. 

Take care,

Sunday, July 25, 2010

A Visit from the King of Norway?

It was a saying that my mother used...
If you used your fancy china, your best silver, and your finest linens,
it was 'fit for the King of Norway.'
Earlier this week I received a phone call asking me if I remembered a certain foreign exchange student from Norway...and before she got the whole question out, I said "Lisbeth!" 
"Yes, of course, I remember her!"
Well, she is coming for her 20 year class reunion and she wants to see me!

We had a special teacher/student connection 1989-1990... 
She occasionally had dinner with our family, in fact, she remembered staying with us for a weekend when her host family had to be away.
Here she is on graduation day, with her folks and our Amy...who was 5 at the time., a visit from Lisbeth, to me, was far better that any visit from the King of Norway!
She was a darling girl, and has matured into a delightful young woman.
We visited for hours...
about the classes she had with me, about family,
about Norway, about Aberdeen,
about traditions, about life.

We had a wonderful afternoon...
...definately, a summer highlight.

Take care,

Friday, July 23, 2010

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things in my House that Make Me Smile

This beautiful piece of furniture came to our home in June.
It is one of mom's many treasures.
It was a wedding gift to her mom in 1917.
Aren't the details beautiful?
It is visible and can be appreciated from our living room...
...And from our dining room.
The drawers are deep and functional...
for placemats, tablecloths, and serving pieces.

It is just one of many family heirlooms
that I will cherish...


Take care,

Please visit Cindy at My Romantic Home for more 'Show and Tell Friday' posts.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Monday Mania ~ My Mailbox Overfloweth looks like the mailman has been here...

I guess he's trusting that it is not going to rain...
and that no one is going to steal my packages!

OFG Kitchen Swap
Because I have been occupied at my mom's,
I am a bit behind on reporting about my wonderful gifts.
But, I certainly do appreciate each and every item...
Yesterday's package was from Sue at Rabbit Hollow Prims.
She was my OFG Kitchen Swap partner...and she certainly outdid herself.
I received three vintage kitchen utensils...a ladle, an antique honey server, and an apple corer.
Also included...a prim Santa and Calico Kitty.
Three recipes rounded out this package...
Thank you, Sue.  You make me smile.

DeniseYesbakMoore Bead Give Away
Last package was from Denise Yezbak Moore.
I was one of seven winners in her fabulous bead give-away.
She makes beautiful jewelry and was sharing her wonderful beads...
I can't believe I was lucky enough to win...
I am anxious to see how hubby incorporates these beads into his bottle necklaces.
Thank You, Denise.

OFG Supply Swap
This spring my Etsy Team, the Old Farmhouse Gathering, hosted a Supply Swap.
I was honored to be paired with Jody, our team facilitator.
She sent such sweet items...
It was just the inspiration I needed after spending those long days in the hospital.
Thank you, Jody.
You've sparked my creativity!

Always Crafty Pattern Give Away
Also, in May, I was the lucky winner of a pattern give-away by Sandi, a talented doll artist.
I'm pretty excited to get back into my sewing studio
and create one of these Shweet Americana Raggedy Annies.
There is nothing better than getting a package in the mail...
You all have really made my day!
Thank you!!

Take care,

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Friends Forever

Upon discharge from the hospital, mom moved into the Heartland Care Center for rehab.
Since her stay was to be temporary, she was assigned to a semi-private room.
Her roommate was Virginia.
Today is Virginia's birthday.
Virginia is 99 years old.
In the Dining Center, Virginia usually sits with Palma.
Palma is 103 years old.
They have been friends since 1940...
Yes...that is 70 years of friendship!

And not just any, casual friendship.
The went to the same Lutheran Church.
from Google images

Church women of yesteryear developed close friendships. 
It was sometimes their only social network. 
They were often together more than once a week. 

Together, they worshiped, sang in the choir, changed the alter cloths, filled communion glasses,
taught Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.
They served luncheons for weddings, anniveraries, and funerals,
organized pot lucks, exchanged recipes and made egg coffee.
They led devotions, dusted the church pews, washed lots of dishes,
packed boxes for Lutheran World Relief and handstitched beautiful quilts.
They volunteered on committees, called on a sick friend, polished the silver, rolled lefse and cooked lutefisk for 300.
They attended Bible Study, took dish towels home to wash, and knit mittens for the orphans.
Together they shared their secrets, they laughed and they cried.

They understood the meaning of true friendship. 

Here's to Virginia, and all the women of her generation, 
that served others so unselfishly...
And made friendships that last a lifetime.

Take care,

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Whatcha Working On Wednesday?

Always a priority...the stuff on the counter.
Callie and I have sorted it into piles...
Mom's Business...
Student Loan Stuff...
Bank Statements...
(and yes, hubby has league golf on Wednesdays.)
My mom loved to sew.  I learned to sew when I was 10 years old.  We had these custom built sewing cabinets in our farmhouse...and then in my mom's apartment.  Since there is no room for them at the assisted living facility, they are now in Amy's room.  Good news...they are empty!  And, I can always use more storage.
Did you notice the drawers on the side.  One houses sewing shears and other crafting equipment. The other has spindles to store spools of thread.

I purchased some brown burlap to cover the bulletin boards in that room...
(I hope that's OK with you, Amy)
Callie and I just need to find the staple gun.
I have several unfinished craft projects to work on...
I keep projects in baskets, so I can bring it out and have all the supplies together.
This is my bunny basket.
While sitting with mom in the hospital's critical care unit, I had some time to crochet.
I keep my portable projects in those clear zipper bags that you get when you buy new bedding.
This pouch contains body parts for a Santa.
This one, some hand stitching.
These will become decorative pillows...someday.
See their bodies and their dresses?
This one contains all the necessary supplies for zippered pouches...
fabric, batting, zippers.
Thanks, Mary, for sharing your pattern.
Here's everything needed to create some Raggedy Ann dolls.
See..their noses are done.  Shoes are waiting to be stuffed.
Even the black buttons for their eyes.
I think I'll work on these next.

It looks like I won't be getting any help here.

Have a creative day, everyone.
Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...