Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Have a wonderful day with family and friends.
Stay safe and warm.

Take care,

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Whatcha Working On Wednesday?

Sweater Sleeve Pumpkins

These are so fun to make. I had seen them on-line last year.
To see the original tutorial just type 'sweater sleeve pumpkin tutorial' into your search bar for several sets of instructions.
I'd like to share my tips with you...
An adult sweater will yield 4 pumpkins...two from each sleeve.
Just need to measure.

Wrap twine around your hand and elbow...16 times for larger, and 8 times for smaller pumpkins.
Insert twine pieces through the inside-out sleeve piece, leaving about an inch at the bottom.
I wrapped two rubber bands around the end to make sure it was secure.

Turn sweater sleeve right side out.
I like to add a scant cup-ful of rice.
This makes a nice foundation for the bottom of the pumpkin.

Use more or less, depending on the size of your pumpkin.

Stuff your pumpkins to desired plumpness.
I have polyester stuffing...
some folks use plastic grocery bags.

Separate the twines on the bottom and bring them around to the top.
Grasp tightly and secure with another rubber band or two.
This is where you feel like you need three hands.

Wrap more twine around the top to create a stem.
Make sure to gain the approval of your assistant.

They're perfect...
...don't you think?!!

Take care,

Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Mania ~ My Morning Workout?

The school year is officially one-fourth over...
Yes, our first term ended on Friday.
So, before 8 a.m. I had re-shelved 56 Basic Foods Books...
And reloaded my book cart with 55 Parenting and Child Development books
and 65 Nutrition and Fitness books.

Does this count as weight training??

I have been busy correcting end-of-course exams and final projects.
I also have been organizing and preparing for my new classes and new students.
There are just not enough hours in a day!

Take care,

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Whatcha Working On Wednesday?

With Winterfest just one month away,
We are seriously focusing on some big finishes here.
We named the Raggedy dolls...

The little dollies found themselves downstairs with my other finished items,
 ready and waiting for our local Arts Festival.

Did I tell you about the pumpkins that I made from sweater sleeves?
There will be more about this another day...

And...there's still plenty to do...
like finishing the edges of my crochet washcloths...

Stenciling my mini game boards...

and creating faces on my little rag dolls...


Hubby picked up leaves with his lawn mower.

The neighbors across the street have the most beautiful tree in their front yard...
with flame-red leaves.

Notice the trees and bushes in our yard...
One is naked,
One is still green?!!

I have been working on these  Santa Gift Bags a little each day.

I think the buttons for eyes,on the left are too small,
the buttons on the right are too large...

Which ones do you prefer?

Take care,

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Stitching and Stewing on Sunday

Tomorrow is Monday.
Our dinner group meets on Monday.
We are hosting tomorrow's meal.

Hubby plans to make pork chops on the grill.
I have been craving Pumpkin Pie...
...ever since we made it for our turkey dinner in Basic Foods class last week.

This is absolutely the easiest dessert to make.
You just whirl all the ingredients in a blender and pour it in a pie pan and put it in the oven.

I have posted the recipe on our

This is one of the pillows that I started last spring.
I stitched the messages
on the pillow tops while sitting in the hospital with my mom.
Late summer, I added the calico borders;
then the vines, leaves, and fabric rosettes.
...All stained in Vanilla Cinnamon Coffee.

And now, they are stuffed and hand stitched.
Watch for them in my Etsy shop...
...or, of course, if you can make it to Winterfest.

Take care,

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy Weekend and Friday's Fabulous Finds

Mrs. Kwitty's Cottage

Painted Panache by Joann

Barb's Heartstrokes

Primgal's Primitive Palette

Rabbit Hollow Prims

*click on the pictures to vist the Etsy shops of these talented artists*

Best wishes for a wonderful weekend.
Enjoy the colors of fall.
Spend time with your family and friends.

Take care,

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Things in my House that Make me Smile

My Swap Items arrived... was a pumpkin swap...

She sent me this most beautiful handmade pumpkin.
I display mine in my dining room.
You can own one too...just visit her Etsy Shop! my package, a handstitched mini-pillow.

I love to find something in my mailbox besides bills and junk mail.

Right now...
It is hanging on the door to my studio.

But, with so many blessings in my life...
Who knows where it will show up next!

Take care,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monday Mania ~ Super Simple, Super Delicious Green Bean Recipe

We certainly enjoy our Monday night dinner group.
While our host prepared Salmon on the grill, the rest of us brought the side dishes.
Our contribution...our favorite green bean dish.

Start by steaming green beans,
(fresh, if available...frozen if they are no longer in season where you live)
Heat small amount of olive oil and a pat of butter  in a large pan.
Saute garlic...I usually use 3 or 4 cloves
(but you can use more if you wish...last night, hubby used 7)
Add bacon that has been cooked and cut into bite size pieces.
Gently stir in green beans.
Sprinkle with sliced almonds.

We also enjoyed some fabulous wild rice
and the creamiest cheesy mashed potatoes.

And of course,
Monday Night Football!

Who's ready to tackle the rest of the week?!

Take care,

Friday, October 8, 2010

TGIF and Friday's Fabulous Finds

Baskets by Rose

Firecracker Kid

Primitive Season

Valley Primitives

Just Another Hang Up

*click on the pictures to vist the Etsy shops of these talented artists*

I just have to say...
I'm pretty happy that it is Friday!
While I love my job,
I was ready to be done for the week!!

Have a Wonderful Weekend, everyone.
Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...