Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What'cha Working on Wednesday? A little bit of Norway...Keeping a Tradition Alive...

Remember last year?
Who would have thought that this was the last time that my mom would be well enough to travel and stay in our home?
Remember how our whole family helped make the lefse?
My mom's role is to be the head supervisor for our annual lefse making.
I have not made the lefse without her watchful eye...
"That's enough flour..."
"A little bit longer..."
"It's ready to turn..."
"Be gentle now..."
Because I was busy with school, this year our daughters took charge of making our family tradition.
Peeling, boiling, and ricing the potatoes.
While Emily rolled the paper thin delicacy...
Amy mastered the art of frying and turning.

Am I now the head supervisor?
(This session was on Christmas Eve morning, which explains why we are in our pjs.)

It was a small batch...
And it's all gone.

So today, with a little more leisure time on our hands, we made more lefse...
a double batch.

One needs plenty of clean linens for cooling and stacking.

Vintage aprons are a must...
(The red paisley apron had been my grandmother's.)

There's lots of equipment involved...
The pastry board with pastry cloths
The special rolling pin,
and rolling pin stockings.

The large griddle and turning sticks.
Girls, you make your Grammy proud.
(And lefse, you make lots of dirty dishes!)

Grammy says,
"Oh good, our family recipe won't die."
And this is one family traditon that everyone enjoys.

Take care,


Lori said...

family tradition being handed down. Can you send me your recipe. We're not norweigen, but we can sure try!

Pat said...

So the torch has been passed...The same thing happened with the sugar cookie recipe that came from my Great Great Grandmother. My daughters and nieces took over mixing the dough this year. 15 women of the family then rolled, cut and baked. I'm sure you and the girls made your Mom proud.

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Great Tradition....!!

Tracy said...

How neat! and to think your daughters are well versed in the art...good for them!

Susan said...

What a great tradition. And how nice of the girls to take over. Thank you for all those nice comments on my blog this year. Hope your New Year is healthy and happy. Susan

Maggey and Jim said...

My son-in-law introduced us to lefse years ago,, we didn't have it this year but it it really yummy.. Have agreat new year..

Carey's Farmhouse Kitchen said...

I love seeing traditions being passed down from one generation to the next.

Willoughby said...

What a wonderful family tradition to pass on! It looks like the girls had a great time!

Busy Bee Suz said...

It is so wonderful that the girls are keeping this tradition alive and well.
Love seeing them in your kitchen, I bet you do too.
Sorry Mom could not travel this year. Blessings to your entire family!

Firecracker Kid said...

Yep Natalie, passed down to you, but mom can still supervise from afar since she knows your habits:) Your girls are so pretty, just like there mom and grandma:) Happy New Year to ya'll!

Oklahoma Granny said...

I remember reading your post last year. It's wonderful that the tradition is being passed on from mother to daughter and on down the line.

Angie Berry ~ Berry Homespun Primitives said...

Ah, how sweet! What wonderful memories!

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