Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday Mania ~ The View from my Window

I have a window in my classroom.
This was the view today.
If you lean in toward the window and look way to the south,
you can see one of the practice football fields.
See the goal post and one of the athletic field houses?

This is our forecast...
we are not expecting any more snow until the weekend.
However, the temperature might be a problem.

Our Monday Night Dinner Group gathered tonight.
Pat tossed the salad.
Jeanne was busy with the beef for our French Dip Sandwiches.
... too busy for a photo.
This week, I was responsible for dessert.
Chocolate Ribbon Cheesecake.

There are leftovers...
who wants to come over for coffee tomorrow?

Take care,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Things in my House Thursday ~ The Little Things that Make Me Smile

A Wedding Gift...
29+  years ago.
My Milk Glass Candy Dish.
It has always had place in my kitchen...
on the counter...on the table...

One can usually find the some sweet treat...
depending on the season. 
And now...
with Valentine's Day on the horizon...
Dark Chocolate Kisses.

Just for you, Sweetheart!

Take care,

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What'cha Working on Wednesday? ~Yarn Artists Needed~

Knitting...I've been knitting for Special Olympics...

What is the Scarf Project?Handmade scarves donated as a result of the 2011 Special Olympics USA Scarf Project will be a symbol of unity, support, compassion and empowerment, as the Special Olympics athletes, coaches, families, volunteers and supporters wear them with pride in knowing they have become part of the Special Olympics family.

The scarves must be of these specific colors but can be knit or crochet with any pattern.
We have about 30 students from our school district that compete at the State Level Winter Games.

(credit for this photo goes to Karren, sent via her cell phone)
My friends, Carol, Karren, and I have been knitting and crocheting to donate scarves to our state organization. Karren's cat is proud to model one of her creations.

Check out the website for your state's dates and deadlines.

Do you care to join me in kniting or crocheting for Special Olympics?
Many states have a long ways to go before their needs are met.

Take care,

Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Mania ~ Our Dinner Group & Where the Weekend Went

It was our last weekend to enjoy the lights of our Christmas Tree.
We had kept it up, as Amy and Seth were here...
Emily and Jake were here...
Our holidays extended well into January.
Taking the tree down makes it seem so final...
no more more celebrating...
Get Back to Work!
I had used my sewing maching to mend a little something for a friend...
a teensy, weensy little favor...
And...she brought me fresh flowers...absolutely not necessary...
but then, who doesn't just love fresh flowers?
Our dinner group met at our home tonight,
We were celebrating two birthdays.

Hubby made the salad.
I made lasagna.
The birthday girls arrived.

Jeanne helped with dinner preparations...

Here's hubby with his best friend, Alan...

Dinner was served.

Paul...the Piano Man...
led us in singing Happy Birthday!

Yummy cake...

Birthday presents...


There is no better time than that spent with family and friends.

Take care,

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Sunday Favorites ~ Stitching & Stewing in January 2009

While Blog Browsing today, I met Chari from Happy to Design.
She has invited us to join her in revisiting some of our favorite blog posts from the past.
I thought it would be fun to see what I was doing on this weekend in January...two years ago...
(some of you will remember this)
Stitching and Stewing on Sunday 2009
Today was a good day to work around home. After I tackled the necessary correcting and planning for school, I decided that it was time to make myself a new pincushion. I have been sewing for 42 years and have always worn one on my wrist. Here is the one I currently use... you can see it was about time.
This flower is perhaps a little 'over the top', but I think it looks pretty cheerful.
It can be made with or without the wristband.
Which would you prefer?

This is a recipe that my daughter discovered in the Real Simple magazine.
She said it is one of her and her boyfriend's favorites.

(image from Real Simple recipe site)
I tried it and liked it am sharing it with you...
Chickpea Pasta with Almonds and Parmesan
1 tbsp. olive oil
2 cloves garlic, chopped
7 cups chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
1 pound angel hair pasta (I used whole wheat)
1 15.5-ounce can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
1 cup parsley, chopped
1/4 cup roasted almonds, chopped
1/2 cup grated Parmesan
Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat.Stir in the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add the broth, red pepper, and bring to a boil. Add the pasta and cook, stirring, until the broth is nearly absorbed and the pasta is al dente, about 6 minutes. Stir in the chickpeas and parsley.Divide among individual bowls and top with the almonds and Parmesan.


Stop back tomorrow for Stitching and Stewing on Sunday...2011.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...