Monday, February 28, 2011

Monday Mail Call

This was the stack of mail when we returned home...
Oh, how I love to get something besides junk mail and bills!
Callie (my helper kittie) was quite curious...
She had been investigating the package on the counter while we were gone...
...Just what could be inside?
It was my package from Tina, of One Wild Swan.
She sent this beautiful handmade Mug Mat.
The colors are perfect.
Check out how it looks with one of my favorite mugs!
This was a sweet swap organized by Donna of Brynwood Needleworks.
Be sure to stop by her blog and say "Hi" and check out the rest of the swap participants.
And speaking of sweetness...
Tina surprised me with these lovely pears,
aged with cinnamon and nutmeg.
They smell yummy!

Thank you, Tina.
I love my mug mat. You are a wonderful swap partner.

And thank you, Donna.
You are a super swap organizer.

I just really enjoy participating in swaps...
The blogging community is just so amazing.

Take care,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sewing for Spring

While the snow is piled higher that my classroom window,
and I can no longer see the patio furniture on my deck,
I am in the mood to sew for spring.

The teal and lime green colors in this print chiffon crepe make me smile.

I love to wear scarves...
and whoever created the infinity scarf is a genius.
It is sewn as a loop...and mine has a twist.

It can be wrapped two or three times around your neck,
depending on your mood of the day.
The best part?

No long tails to dangle in your work or play.

No Sewing Machine?
I will be listing my "Spring Collection" in early March.

Take care,

And add your own link to show what you have been working on in your kitchen or studio.
Join the Party!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oh, So Pretty...

While 18 inches of snow creates a major inconvenience...
It makes for a beautiful drive across the countryside.
Take care,

We made it home!

Some of you maybe know that we had almost 20" of snow this weekend...
And some of you maybe know that we were out of town...

Not snowed in...
But, snowed out...

The first photo is a view of our driveway from the neighbor's driveway.
And this is our driveway....
Most of the snow is up over our knees.

I hope you are a safe and warm in your own homes.
Take care,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Monday Mania ~ Tuesday's Report

Think about High School...
Valentines Day... in High School...
There's a lot of love in the air.
I sooooo enjoyed this teddy...
soft and huggable...
too large for the recipient's locker.
Sooo... he spent the day in my teacher chair.

Check out the pads on his feet.
He just made me happy...all day!

I must tell you about my recent mail.
This arrived just a few days ago.
A swap package from Becky... was a Supply Swap.
Awesome idea right? Time to de-stash...
She was sooo generous...
Can you believe all these prim tags?
I can't believe she shared them with me...
Cotton Homespun,
Can't wait to get into the sewing studio...
And the handstitching floss..
Not enough time in the day!

Thank you Becky.
You are an awesome swap partner.

My hubby has alway been a Romantic.
This was waiting for me when I got home.

We spent the evening with our Monday Night Dinner Group...
The table was set...

Always good conversation...

Yummy steaks on the grill...

A delicious tossed salad...

My Contribution this week?

I hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day with family and friends.
There's nothing better!

Take care,

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day

Best wishes for a wonderful day
to my beautiful family...
and to my dear friends...
those here...and in blogland.

You make my world go 'round.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...