Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Eight Days...and Counting...

That is how many days of school are left here...
I am looking forward to having time at home to simplify...

But for now...
This is all consuming!

Take care,


Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

I am so excited for you!

Rachel said...

8 days ~ wow! My son has been complaining he has sooo many days left ~ he's down to 12 now! lol Hope it all goes good for you!

Firecracker Kid said...

Hey Natalie, alright:) Summer vacation time! You'll have a fun time with family:)

Unknown said...


Lynette Killam said...

It will be lovely indeed, Natalie, to have time to yourself. I have found with working that I really
miss just being able to putter about the house in a leisurely way, organizing book cases, changing curtains, and having the chance to sit down with a good book and my sweet dog. The simple things in life really are it's
greatest treasures...:)

Imagination Lane

Busy Bee Suz said...

I know how much you appreciate your time at home too....right around the corner!!!

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