Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday Mania...Sewing Studio DeStash continued...

In case you haven't heard...we are having a mild winter here in the Dakotas. now...I have posted about snowstorms and subzero temperatures.
But we have nothing to complain about this year...


Also...did I mention that I have more sewing supplies that I can possibly use in the remainder of my lifetime?
This was the mess of thread that I had stashed away...

And now, this evening, it is organized by color, into these storage trays.

The extras are listed for sale in my Notions Shop on Etsy.

While I was organizing my thread,
Hubby was making our dinner...
He roasted a whole chicken on the grill...
It is sooo moist and delicious.

Accompanied with wild rice and salad...
it was a perfect ending to our day.

How was your Monday?

Take care,

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Weekend Rummage Sale Listings...Who needs a Fancy, Fun Dress?

I love the weekend...
when I am home during daylight hours...

When I can take photos in the natural sunlight.

In  the closets downstairs, I found several fancy, fun dresses...
left over from our daughter's sorority days.

The dresses are perfect for an 'I Hate Winter' Party...
or a Valentines Day Dinner...

Maybe a Winter Wedding?

If you might be interested in any of these dresses,
please contact me for more information.
All dresses are size small or medium 
and priced either $10 or $15...

And of course shipping costs will be minimal, 
as they are all very lightweight!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Take care,

Friday, January 27, 2012

TGIF and Where the Week Went...

This was a five day week...and it was five very full days!
I start my day with our Fitness for Life Class...
I enjoy those students sooo much.
Protein and Breakfast Burritos were in the lesson plan...

My afternoon classes = Personal Development.
Our School Resource Officer spends time with us to address student concerns...
to demonstrate the tazer...

and to take us through a mock traffic stop,
complete with field sobriety tests.

we are so lucky to have Prevention Specialists on our staff
to lead discussions with our students about drugs and alcohol.

And in the evenings? 
I continue to sew Infinity Scarves
as they have been very popular this fall and winter.

I am having a serious DeStash in my Studio...
organizing and listing items in my Notions Etsy Shoppe.

A social life, you ask??
Remember, my hubby play in a band...
Happy Hour Jazz on Tuesday! was Patty's Birthday...
Time to Celebrate!

But... I ended my week with a major downer...
Can you guess where I am?

Here's a better clue...


Remember, I needed two crowns...

You know it's going to be a long appointment when your dentist gives you the remote for the TV...

I was there for four hours.
I'm not sure what hurt the most...
Getting the work done,
Paying the Bill?

TGIF, everyone...
Take care, 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Studio DeStash...

I have more sewing and crafting supplies that I can possible use in my lifetime...
and I just really need to do something about it!

I can just imagine our daughters, as they sort through my belongings some day...
"why did mom have so much stuff?" they will ask.

Well, I have been creating all of my life.
I started sewing with the sewing machine when I was 10.
That's over 45 years of purchasing fabric and notions!

Not to mention, I worked at Northwest Fabrics from 1978 to 1985.
And, when they had a sale...they. had. a. sale!

Some of you remember a year and a half ago,
I moved my mom from her little townhouse to the assisted living center.
Her sewing supplies are here now too.

She had many things in here drawers that were
"too pretty to use"
Like this...
"too pretty to use"

So I organized...measured...took photos...
and listed the laces and ribbons in my

(I had to tell Lucy that Etsy does not have a category to list cats.)

So, if you are needing some lace, or ribbon, or beads, or patterns,

The next box to tackle involves tapes, braids, and rick rack...

Have a Creative Week, everyone.

Take care,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Stitching on Sunday ~ Share the Love Valentine Celebration

The Old Farmhouse Gathering Team on Etsy has collaborated to offer some fabulous new creations just for all of you to help celebrate Valentines Day.
Click here to see all the talent and variety in the Old Farmhouse.

I had found some rich, luxurious fabrics with Valentines Day colors in mind.

I think the colors could add a spark to anyone's tired winter wardrobe!

Here's how the infinity scarves turned out...

Stop by my Etsy shop or contact me, directly,
if you are needing a little something for that special someone.

Take care,

p.s. We did take our Christmas trees down this weekend. 
p.s.s. The house seems so empty without the lights.

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...