Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Mania & Where the Weekend Went...

I'm not going to lie...
Our weekend highlight was the Kansas concert 
on the campus of Northern State University.

We were lucky to attend the pre-concert events.
This is the set-up, looking out from backstage.

that is Hubby and I...with Kansas...

Like I said, we were lucky to be able to attend the pre-concert events,
including the Meet and Greet.

This was our view of the stage, as we had

Thanks to our friends, the LaFaves...
Dr. Lave is the Dean of Fine Arts.
We sat with him, Kari and Ashley.

The best part of the story is that Kansas is touring all over our country...
performing with university orchestras...
promoting live music and they are donating their proceeds to these music programs...
providing opportunities for music students to learn and to perform.
Giving back...
I'm so impressed.

Carry On My Wayward Son...
humming that tune all day!

But real life continues...
My Basic Foods classes prepared their Creamy Potato Soup today.

It is so yummy.
For a printable copy of the recipe,

And in the Sewing Studio,
I am stitching my Summer Collection of Infinity Scarves...

The spring and summer colors are so cheerful.
The finished scarves will soon appear in my Etsy Shop.

I hope you all had a marvelous Monday...
Take care,

Sunday, April 29, 2012

KANSAS Collegiate Symphony Tour Teaser

90 minutes till showtime.
Wish you all could be here!

Take care,

Saturday's Work...

I have visited with my mom on the phone every Saturday since 1974...
She always says, "I suppose you're doing Saturday's work".

Our "Saturday's Work" has varied greatly, depending on the ages and activities of our girls.
Swim Meets...Cross Country & Track Meets...maybe some Housework...
Just what is "Saturday's Work"?!

This Saturday was spent finishing the moving and arranging of some bedroom furniture.
You all remember the chaos that we had around here last weekend?!

We are getting this room ready, as we did decide 
to apply to be host parents for a foreign exchange student.

We hope she likes pink, as even her robe will be pink!

We are required to submit photos of our home.
It seems, in the past, exchange students have been placed with families that don't have indoor plumbing or electricity...

Why would these folks even apply?!

The weather was cold and rainy,
so it was a good day for an inside photo session.

I hope you enjoyed the mini-tour of our home!

What was your "Saturday's Work"?

Take care,

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Thoughts and Prayers

are with the family and friends of
Bryce Anglin.

He passed away this evening at 9:05 p.m..

He found out that he had cancer on March 13...
and now, less than 6 weeks later, he is gone.

Our home and school community is shocked and saddened by his death.

He so loved the sport of baseball and was a great athlete.

He enjoyed life...
...and, I enjoyed getting to know him in my classes at Central.

Bryce was always friendly and upbeat.
Bryce had many good friends and a loving family,
and they are missing him so...

Bryce, may you rest in peace.

These photos are borrowed from the
Caring Bridge site for

Take care

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Where the Weekend Went ~ Rearranging, Re-purposing......

Our furniture moving project continues...

The twin beds sold and are now in the garage,
waiting for pick-up...

Since mom is in assisted living,
I have her custom built sewing supply cabinets here in our home.
These are now moving upstairs.

Since the room was empty, 
we used the opportunity to clean and touch up the paint.
Hubby took the electrical outlet plate out to Menards 
and they were able to match the hue perfectly.

The big brass bed is moving downstairs...

Meanwhile...the living
a mess...

(to be continued)

Take care,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday...It was Cinnamon Roll Day!

It's one of our favorite labs in Basic Foods...

Rolling the rectangle of dough...spreading the butter...
sprinkling with cinnamon and sugar...



Force raising...




...and, for the recipe, go here.

I can't wait to hear if you make these!

Take care, 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Monday Mania and Where the Weekend Went...

It was Monday...All...Day...Today...
My day got off to a hectic start...

But, you can choose your attitude.
and, you can choose to make a great day!

Where the Weekend Went...
Hubby and I had a busy weekend,
starting with Friday Happy Hour Jazz at the Historic Ward Hotel.
Deb and her husband joined us for an evening of
fun, good food, and great music.

Deb and I are in-person friends and on-line friends, 
as we are both members of the OFG and PAFA teams on Etsy.
Stop by her blog and say Hi.

Deb and I didn't know this until a couple of weeks ago,
but our husbands met during college and have known each other a long time!

On Saturday, we were invited to a 50th birthday party for a long-time friend.

There was a lot of delicious food...

And lots of good friends that we hadn't seen for a while.
There were people in the living room...

People in the dining room...

People in the garage...

And people in the kitchen.
A good time was had by all!

On Sunday, I was invited to attend the baby shower 
of a former student/recent graduate.

 Aren't these just the sweetest girls?!
Here's the mommy-to-be with the grammy-to-be...

Of course, we played some games 
to bring out the competetive side in all of us...

The baby's name will be Natalie Faith...
and she will be the best dressed little girl on this side of the Mississippi River.

This little shower guest was given the honor of bringing the gifts to the mommy-to-be.
And, she took her job very seriously...

We had a lovely time.

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend...
Best wishes for a Terrific Tuesday.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...