Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Cover Story...

If we are "friends" on Facebook, you have seen my cover photo...
and perhaps you have wondered about these children with the knobby knees?

They are my cousins...the best cousins ever!
Since I have no siblings, I cherished the summertime, when my cousins would come from the city to visit us on the farm in North Dakota.

That is me, the skinny scrawny one, the third from the left.
(It appears I am wearing plaid shorts with a flowered top...
and now I am teaching Fashion at Central High School?)

And where were we??

Standing in the gravel driveway of our farmhouse. We must have had nickles and dimes in our little hands.
We would walk into town...(see those trees behind us? That's the town of Churchs Ferry, about a mile away)
and buy some penny candy...
Popsicles or
Push Ups.

And then walk back home with our treats.
Good times.
Great memories.

Take care,


M said...

WoW...so cool! Is that a recent photo of the farmhouse?

Happy Tuesday!

Ann said...

OH I LOVE this picture. Cousins are great I agree. The picture of the farm is fabulous, what adventures I'm sure you had there!!!!!
Happy Wednesday

Willoughby said...

What a great photo! So cute!

Linda said...

Great post - is the farmhouse where you grew up?

My brothers were so much older than I was that my cousins, niece, and nephews were my best playmates. Thanks for sparking some great memories.

Unknown said...

Great picture and wonderful memories! That's an amazing farmhouse, I bet it was fantastic in it's glory days!!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Cute photo of you and what a great photo of the farmhouse. Is it still standing? I can imagine what it looked like in it's glory!

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