Sunday, April 15, 2012

Saturday's Work & the Next Stage in our Family's Lifecycle...

Time marches on...and with that, the next chapter in our family's life-cycle begins...
As you know, our daughters both graduated last May,
and we are so proud of their accomplishments.
They both have good jobs in Health Care and both have a busy schedule.

But, having Career Jobs in Health Care
means that our college age girls will not have those leisure college breaks to come home
and hang out here with their college age boyfriends.

This is Part One of what has prompted us to 
rethink the use of our bedrooms and furniture...

The sisters could always share the double bed in Emily's old bedroom.

And, we set up twin beds in Amy's old bedroom for the college age boyfriends.
(I know, pink is not exactly what you'd expect for the boyfriend room)

So, yesterday, I cleared and stripped the twin beds.
We are moving them out...
(in fact, the beds are for sale if anyone is interested)
Callie, as usual, was a great helper.

This is one of those times that only another Empty Nester Mom can relate to...
How can I be so happy and sad all at the same time?!

Now...Part Two of what has prompted our room/furniture rearranging...
You all know that my mom resides in an Assisted Living Facility.
She does not travel...she will not stay with us in our home again...

This was Christmas Eve 2009...
The last time she was able to stay with us before her illness and extended hospital stay.
She was with us here for so many holidays and special occasions 
and we cherish those memories...

The brass bed in my sewing studio was my mom's bed...
we are moving that down to have a double bed in Amy's room.

Stay tuned...there is a Part Three...
wait and see what's happening next in the sewing studio!

Take care,


Unknown said...

Oh sure, you are going to leave us hanging?? LOL! Can't wait to hear :D

Attic Clutter said...

darling rooms and pics of you and your lovely daughters Natalie(:) have a good week too (:)

Suzanne said...

I can relate to all of this. In some respects I rue the day when our kids graduate from college because then they are gainfully employed with only a certain amount of vacation time each year. Dang!

I can't wait to see what happens to your rooms and in your family next! ;o)

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh, I know that is sad when they leave the nest. I cried and was a mess, even when my son graduated. So your suppose to be sad and happy at the same time. It's exciting to see you fixing up the rooms.

Deb said...

Oh Natalie, I can't begin to imagine how hard it must be to have your little girls grown and not home with you any longer. And then the realization that your Mom will not be able to visit any longer either, a double blow for sure. The circle of life moves on whether we are ready for it or not. Your redecorating and repurposing are a part of that cycle and I can't wait to see your part 3. {{Hugs}} to you, Deb

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Great photos and yes it is sad when they leave the nest but......getting your mom's bed out of your studio will be great!

Allison said...

Natalie-- I didn't realize you had a Callie too, so do we.

None of my kids have left our home all the way. Kaitlyn is still in college so we see her on college breaks. With my youngest starting first grade in the fall -I sometimes have freak out moments on how my days will be changing and what I'll be doing in the future.

On moms-- it's so hard seeing our moms age and not be the same as when we were younger. My mom reached a time when she couldn't figure out how to get in a car/van anymore so we could no longer take her out.
Big hugs!
Have fun on the redecorating.

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