Friday, August 30, 2013

TGIF & Are You Ready for College Football?

photo compliments of ND State Bison
The start of a new school year is all-consuming!
Will share some photos this weekend.

Take care,

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hubby's Birthday Celebration

We are blessed to have these good friends in our lives.

Thank you, all, for gathering to celebrate Scott's special day.
Here's to many more years of friendship, good food and great converstions...
sharing the frustrations and accomplishments,
the tears and the joys along life's journey.

Take care,

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

What'cha Workin' on Wednesday and A Danish Blessing

Yes, it's that time of the year, again.
I have is actually my 36th year teaching...
How can that be? I mean, I am only 40 years old, right??

A year ago, we welcomed Nellie into our home.
Only our good Lord knew that there were drastic changes
 in store for our family for the coming year.

So...he matched this delightful young lady with our family.

She immediately hit it off with our friends.

We managed to thoroughly embarass her at the Brown County Fair Rodeo...
but, isn't that what a teenager's parents are supposed to do?!

And we started our mission to take her to 
every eating place in town!

If you have ever considered hosting a foreign exchchange student,
contact your local coordinator.
Be sure to ask a lot of questions.

And give a young adult the opportunity to study in our schools, improve their language, and learn about American culture.  Plus you will grow to love this new addition to your family.

Take care,

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Highlight of our far...

In June, our family spent a weekend together, here at home.
We hadn't seen either of our daughters since last summer.

Amy's hubby, Nick had never been here,
so we wanted to make sure he saw all the hometown sights.

It was a very windy day out at Storybook Land...

...but not too windy to ride the train!

I enjoyed every minute of our weekend together.

And before we knew it...they were gone again.
Can't wait for their next visit!

Take care,

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Summer's End...

After dinner, I made my way outside to our patio...
I just love to sit outside on evenings like this.

Mild temperatures. No wind.
Great deck. Freshly painted house.
(more to this story...)

The plants have matured and are in full bloom.

I've been thinking about my blog for several weeks now.
After all...I have gone from blogging every day,
to someone who blogs once a month?
What is wrong with me??

Typically, one's blog is their 'happy' place.
And for four years, my blog has been my journal...
...and my scrapbook.

And then...all of a sudden, nothing seemed blog-worthy anymore.

While, we've experienced some changes,
that should be no excuse!

I'll be back soon.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...