Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fighting off the Flu Bug ~~and When Students are on Semester Break, Teachers... Are... Not...

Thank you, everyone, for your well wishes for hubby's recovery.
I'm not sure if it was my homemade noodle soup that was the cure,
but just in case, here is my recipe.

OK, I'm not complaining...I'm just saying...
If you think that teachers are spending their holiday break sitting on the couch, 
eating bon bons, watching soap operas, and shopping on-line...think again.
Remember, the school term ended on December 23rd.
 And in class, we were not all watching A Christmas Story.

We were finishing strong.
End of course exams were administered and final projects were due.

Most teachers spend the week between Christmas and New Years 
correcting all of those assignments.

Plus, not to mention all of the
"this assignment is missing,
can I still hand it in?" work that needs to be corrected.

Teachers across the country are figuring grades from the first semester...
and preparing lessons to meet a new group of students on Monday, January 5th.

But like I said, I am not complaining.
We all knew what we were signing up for when we took the job.
We teachers went into education because we love kids 
and we want to make a difference.

Take care,

p.s. I do not suggest making the comment 
"it must be nice to have the time off"
to a teacher. 

Their time has been more flexible,
but they haven't had it "off".


pam said...

That always use to drive me crazy when people would think teachers are off when we are off - that's when I would get the most work done!

My Colonial Home said...

I know how hard teachers work...our best friends, our neighbor and our cousin are all teaches so it's not lost on me reading this!!!
I read on back to your post before this and I saw you celebrated at home - same as us - we aren't ones to go out on MYE ever and we like it like that.
Hope your husband is feeling better.

It was a Warm Welcome Home from our Furry Friends

Mazzie says, “You’ve got some explaining to do… We have not seen you for two weeks!!” Yes, we were gone for two weeks… We spent 8 full days ...