Thursday, April 30, 2015

This is a "What'cha Workin' On Wednesday" and a "Things in My House Thursday" Combined Post...Our Raised Garden Bed

In our backyard, the area behind our garage has always been a challenge.
Nothing grows there...not even grass.
Hubby has been talking about building a raised garden bed.

We had pinned several ideas on my 
Hubby went right to work... planning, measuring, cutting.
It was first all laid out on the driveway before the final construction.

Next a text from hubby.
"Don't be alarmed when you get home from work."
He had ordered some black dirt and they dumped it in the middle of our driveway...
covering the sidewalk? Really??

And now, two days later, 
after much back-breaking labor,
the dirt pile is reduced.

And we have a raised garden bed in our back yard!

You will have to stop back to see if we plant 
vegetables or flowers!

Take care,

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Planning a Wedding ~The Highlight of our Week ~~The Food Tasting Session

Since our Bride and Groom live on the east coast, it was not possible for them to attend the food tasting session to sample the menu choices for their wedding reception.

We met in the lobby of the Dakota Event Center.
There are huge windows on the east that allow the beautiful afternoon sunlight to fill the room.
This area would be perfect for a receiving line and social hour.

We were brought to a private dining area.
The linens were displayed showing different options for the place settings.

We invited our special friends, and Bride's Godparents, to share this experience.
Not to mention, their culinary opinions are quite valuable.
The Special Events Chef came out to our table to describe...
the 4 entrees
the 2 starches
the 2 vegetables

It was certainly a treat to try these delicious dishes...
and we were sure to share these (and more) photos 
and all of our comments with the bride and groom,
via Skype.

In just 16 weeks, this room will be filled with family and friends...

Hubby and I are looking forward to it!
Take care,

Friday, April 24, 2015

TGIF and Where the Week Went ~A Sneak Peak at the new ATEC Building

Monday was our last Inservice/Teacher Collaboration Day of this school year.
On our agenda, was a sneak-peak tour of our new ATEC Building.

Here is my new supervisor leading our tour group...
in my new classroom.

These are my new storage cabinets...
yes, even a closet to hang my coat!

I am lucky to have windows.
I will be able to watch the blizzards 
rolling across the Dakota Prairie!

It will be a busy summer for the construction crew.

This will be my 38th year teaching in the same school district.
I will have taught in 5 different buildings,
and in 14 different classrooms.

I guess I should be a pro at packing and moving.

Happy Weekend!
Take care,

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Things in our House Thursday ~The Little Things that Make Me Smile ~~Partial Bathroom Project Reveal

You must be wondering how our bathroom DIY is going?
It has been busy at school...last week, parent/teacher conferences.
...this week, standarized testing.
(and, Hubby's work is busy/stressful too)

So, you already know that due to to unfortunate circumstances 
we had to add a tile backsplash and buy a new sink...

When installing a new sink, you must make sure your cat approves.

I found this list of Bathroom Rules at Hobby Lobby.
Then a few days later, a ceramic vase and silk flowers.

My soft soap dispenser matches perfectly!

I love a vintage clawfoot bathtub.
We have one in the farmhouse where I grew up...
plus, the house hubby and I lived in as newlyweds had a quaint little sink and clawfoot tub.
I didn't think twice when I found this canvas.

And most of you know I have a thing
 for vintage style dress forms.

This one is embellished with a 
Norwegian Traditional Necklace.

This is one we purchased while scouring Antique Shops 
when visiting our Amy in Rochester, Minnesota.

It is definitely a work in progress, 
as I am still looking for shelves to hang over the stool.

I'll keep you posted.

Take care,

Sunday, April 12, 2015

National Sibling Day 2015

My facebook newsfeed was flooded with sibling photos on Friday.
As an only child, I always longed for a brother or sister...
and, I loved seeing the bond you all share.

Here is my National Sibling Day photo.
Thanks to our cousin Warren, we were able to bring them together for lunch on Saturday.

These three sisters share something special.
...from left to right
my hubby's mother, Elsie, with her sister Olivia and Aunt Darlene.

Take care,

Friday, April 10, 2015

Finally Friday ~TGIF ~~Where the Week Went

When hubby's jazz group plays, they don't get paid in cash,
they get gift certificates to eat in the restaurant.

So, once in awhile, we head downtown for some amazing Italian food.

This week, we were early...the first to arrive!
Here's hubby sitting at the bar with our favorite bartender, Ray.
You can see, in the background, that there's going to be some live music.

Hubby knew that I needed some cheering up.
I had gone to the bridal shop to try on Mother of the Bride dresses.

It wasn't exactly what I expected...
I ended up going to the Mall to look at shoes and purses.

So...about my day job.
Only in South Dakota, do you need to get out of your vehicle...
in the freezing rain... to move a jumbo tumble weed out of the driveway to unload your supplies for the school day.

It was Apple Crisp Week.
Since is still looks and feels like fall/winter,
it was quite appropriate.

Yesterday we had parent/teacher conferences.
Our last 14 hour day of this school year.

And last, but not least...
I have been working on my closet.
The transition between winter clothes to my spring/summer wardrobe.

The cats are not any help.

Take care,

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter 2015 ~Here's my Report

We had a last minute change of plans for Easter this year.
Hubby's mother had wanted to host our holiday meal,
however she recently had eye surgery and couldn't do all of the necessary preparations.

So, it was decided on Saturday, that Easter dinner will be here.

We went to the early worship service...
I want you to see now pretty our sanctuary was with all of the spring flowers.

When we got home, we went right to work...
The ham went into the oven at 275 degrees. I wanted to start it slow,
as we'd be turning up the oven later for the vegetables.

Hubby cleaned and the prepared the ingredients for our asparagus dish.

Grandma made our favorite Holiday Carrot Dish

It's good to always have some cheese and crackers on hand 
for spur of the moment entertaining.

Just the four of us this year.
Hubby's mom and sister,
Hubby and I.

Super simple meal of Roast Ham,
Baked Potatoes, Hubby's Asparagus,
Grandma's Carrots and a Green Salad.

Stacy made dessert, a delightful Lemon Angelfood Cake.
Perhaps she will share her recipe with us.

It was a relaxing day with family.
We enjoyed good food and our time together.

I hope you had a wonderful holiday weekend.

Take care,

What’cha Workin’ on Wednesday ~This Week’s Report

You know it’s going to be a good week when it starts like this. Our weekly outing took us to Wakeside, a place by the lake. Good Food, a Lov...